


Activity 13 Dialog 1 Mrs. Anne: Good morning. Anne speaking. Mr. Raffi: Good morning. I am Raffi from PT Sejahtera Karya. Mrs. Anne: What can I help, Sir? Mr. Raffi:I'd like to invite you to the launching of our new products, Ma'am. Mrs. Anne: Couldyou tell me when it will be? Mr. Raffi: Next Monday. I've sent you the invitation via e-mail. Mrs. Anne: I am sorry. I haven't read my e-mail. Mr. Raffi: I do hope you can attend the event. Please read the response card in your e-mail and send it back to me. Mrs. Anne: O.K. I will gladly attend the launching. I'll keep notes on my agenda. Mr. Raffi: Thank you, Ma'am. Mrs. Anne: My pleasure. Dialog 2 Garry: Excuse me, Miss. Ms. Adelia: Yes, Garry. What's up? Garry: Sita and her family will move to Kuala Lumpur next week, so we are going to have a farewell party at Zenitha Garden and Resto. We would be pleased if you could join. Ms. Adelia: When will it be? Garry: On Sunday, at eleven a.m. Ms. Adelia: Thank you for the invitation, but I think I am not free at the moment. Garry: Do you have another appointment? Ms. Adelia: I am going to attend my cousin's wedding. Please pass my best regards to Sita. Gerry: Yes, Miss. Find the synonyms of the following words in the dialogs in Activity 13. feedback = ____

Activity 13

Dialog 1
Mrs. Anne:
 Good morning. Anne speaking.

Mr. Raffi: Good morning. I am Raffi from PT Sejahtera Karya.

Mrs. Anne: What can I help, Sir?

Mr. Raffi: I'd like to invite you to the launching of our new products, Ma'am.

Mrs. Anne: Could you tell me when it will be?

Mr. Raffi: Next Monday. I've sent you the invitation via e-mail.

Mrs. Anne: I am sorry. I haven't read my e-mail.

Mr. Raffi: I do hope you can attend the event. Please read the response card in your e-mail and send it back to me.

Mrs. Anne: O.K. I will gladly attend the launching. I'll keep notes on my agenda.

Mr. Raffi: Thank you, Ma'am.

Mrs. Anne: My pleasure.

Dialog 2
 Excuse me, Miss.

Ms. Adelia: Yes, Garry. What's up?

Garry: Sita and her family will move to Kuala Lumpur next week, so we are going to have a farewell party at Zenitha Garden and Resto. We would be pleased if you could join.

Ms. Adelia: When will it be?

Garry: On Sunday, at eleven a.m.

Ms. Adelia: Thank you for the invitation, but I think I am not free at the moment.

Garry: Do you have another appointment?

Ms. Adelia: I am going to attend my cousin's wedding. Please pass my best regards to Sita.

Gerry: Yes, Miss.

Find the synonyms of the following words in the dialogs in Activity 13.

feedback = ____space 

  1. ....space 

  2. ....undefined 


A. Lee

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawabannya adalah response .

jawabannya adalah response.




Perintah pada soal adalah untuk mencari sinonim atau persamaan kata feedback dengan kata yang ada pada dialog. Kata feedback artinya “tanggapan”. Sinonim kata feedback contohnya: comment, reply, response, reaction. Pada teks, sinonim kata feedback terdapat pada kalimatPak Raffi di Dialog 1, yaitu response : " Please read the response card in your e-mail and send it back to me." yang artinya “Harap baca kartu tanggapan di email Anda dan kirimkan kembali kepada saya.” Jadi, jawabannya adalah response .

Perintah pada soal adalah untuk mencari sinonim atau persamaan kata feedback dengan kata yang ada pada dialog. Kata feedback artinya “tanggapan”. Sinonim kata feedback contohnya: comment, reply, response, reaction.

Pada teks, sinonim kata feedback terdapat pada kalimat Pak Raffi di Dialog 1, yaitu response: "Please read the response card in your e-mail and send it back to me." yang artinya “Harap baca kartu tanggapan di email Anda dan kirimkan kembali kepada saya.”

Jadi, jawabannya adalah response.

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di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




Pertanyaan serupa

Activity 13 Dialog 1 Mrs. Anne: Good morning. Anne speaking. Mr. Raffi: Good morning. I am Raffi from PT Sejahtera Karya. Mrs. Anne: What can I help, Sir? Mr. Raffi:I'd like to invite you...



Jawaban terverifikasi


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