
Activity 11

Read and discuss the following texts.
Text 1

    Do you like cakes? But you only consume low-fat ones. Well then, let me tell you how to make 12 squares of low-fat coconut tart. It will take 30 minutes for preparation and 30 minutes for cooking, There are two ways to measure the ingredients, either using a scale or cup.

    Now, let's make it First of all, prepare the ingredients. We need two hundred and twenty-five grams or one and a half cups of plain or all-purpose flour, a half teaspoon of baking powder, two tablespoons of light brown sugar, fifty milliliters or a quarter cup of sunflower oil, two hundred grams or two-fourth of raspberry jam or jelly, two large white eggs, one hundred grams or a half cup of caster or superfine sugar, two hundred and fifty grams or one and a quarter cups of sweetened, shredded coconut, and icing or confectioners’ sugar for dusting.

    Here are the steps to make the tart First, preheat the oven to two hundred degrees Celsius. In the meantime, stir the flour, baking powder, and brown sugar together in a bowl Then, whisk the oil with four tablespoons of cold water until emulsified and drizzle it over the flour. After that, bring the mixture together into a pliable dough, adding a little more water if necessary. Next, roll out the pastry on a floured surface and use it to line a greased Swiss roll in. Then, spread the jam on top.

    Meanwhile, whisk the egg whites to stiff peaks in a very clean bowl, then fold in the caster sugar and coconut. After that, spoon the mixture into a piping bag fitted with a large star nozzle and pipe it over the surface in an even layer. Then, bake the tart for thirty minutes or until the pastry is cooked underneath and the coconut topping is golden brown. Leave to cool completely, then cut it into twelve squares and dust with icing sugar.

    Please enjoy the tart!

Adopted from: Nn, Cooks Kitchen Low Fat over 100 Recipes, Sywell, Igloobooks, 2015.


Text 2

Low fat Coconut Tart

Picture 4.4 Low-fat coconut tart

Source: Nn, Cook's Kitchen Low Fat Over 100 Recipes, Sywell, Igloobooks,2015

Makes 12 squares
Preparation 30 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes

225 g/ 1 1/2 cups pin (all-purpose) flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp light brown sugar
50 ml/ 1/4 cup sunflower oil
200 g/ 2/3  cup raspberry jam (jelly)
2 large white eggs
100 g/ 1/2 cup caster (superfine) sugar
250 g/1 1/4 cups sweetened shredded coconut
Icing (confectioners) sugar for dusting

1. Preheat the oven to 200°.
2. Stir the flour, baking powder, and brown sugar together in a bowl. Whisk the oil with 4 tbsp of cold water until emulsified then drizzle over the flour. Bring the mixture together into a pliable dough, adding a little more water if necessary.
3. Roll out the pastry on a floured surface and use it to line a greased Swiss roll in. Spread the jam on top.
4. Whisk the egg whites to stiff peaks in a very clean bowl, then fold in the caster sugar and coconut.
5. Spoon the mixture into a piping bag fitted with a large star nozzle and pipe it over the surface in an even layer.
6. Bake the tart for 30 minutes or until the pastry is cooked underneath and the coconut topping is golden brown.
7. Leave to cool completely, then cut it into 12 squares and dust with icing sugar.

Adopted from: Nn, Cooks Kitchen Low Fat over 100 Recipes, Sywell, Igloobooks, 2015.

Activity 12 "... pipe it over the surface in an even layer."(Text 2, Step 5) What does the word 'it' refer to?

Activity 12

"... pipe it over the surface in an even layer."(Text 2, Step 5)

What does the word 'it' refer to?

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N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah "The word 'it' refers to mixture."

jawaban yang benar adalah "The word 'it' refers to mixture."



Soal di atas menanyakan tentang rujukan dari kata "it" pada potongan kalimat ". .. pipe it over the surface in an even layer ". Arti dari potongan kalimat di atas adalah "... oleskan di atas permukaan dalam lapisan yang merata. Sementara itu, "It" adalah kata ganti untuk benda dan cara mencari rujukan sebuah kata adalah denganmembaca kalimat sebelum kata yang dicari rujukannya tersebut. Karena "It" adalah kata ganti benda, maka carilah kata benda pada kalimat sebelumnya. Kalimat sebelumnya berbunyi "Spoon the mixture into a piping bag fitted with a large star nozzle..." yang artinya "Sendokkan campuran ke dalam kantong pipayang dilengkapi dengan nosel bintang besar...". Jika hubungkan kedua kalimat di atas,maka akan didapatkan benang merah yang mana kata "it" merujuk kepada campuran atau "mixture" . Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "The word 'it' refers to mixture."

Soal di atas menanyakan tentang rujukan dari kata "it" pada potongan kalimat "... pipe it over the surface in an even layer". Arti dari potongan kalimat di atas adalah "... oleskan di atas permukaan dalam lapisan yang merata. Sementara itu, "It" adalah kata ganti untuk benda dan cara mencari rujukan sebuah kata adalah dengan membaca kalimat sebelum kata yang dicari rujukannya tersebut. Karena "It" adalah kata ganti benda, maka carilah kata benda pada kalimat sebelumnya.

Kalimat sebelumnya berbunyi "Spoon the mixture into a piping bag fitted with a large star nozzle..." yang artinya "Sendokkan campuran ke dalam kantong pipa yang dilengkapi dengan nosel bintang besar...". Jika hubungkan kedua kalimat di atas,maka akan didapatkan benang merah yang mana kata "it" merujuk kepada campuran atau "mixture".

 Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "The word 'it' refers to mixture."

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