


Question 45-48 are based on the following passage. 

    For many years, scientists have recognized a number of symbiotic relationships that develop between human and animal species. Typically, these relationships have been categorized as mutualistic, parasitic, or commensal in the cases of wild animals, and domestication n the cases of livestock and companion animals. Recent studies, however, suggest that there should perhaps be another category to describe those creatures that seem able to set e within human societies, benefiting from certain human behaviors while nonetheless tamaining wild.

    In order to more fully comprehend this phenomenon, commonly referred to as synanthropy, a new breed of scientists has developed. Traditionally, the fields considered most prestigious and thus most likely to draw financial support have been those centering on exotic and endangered animals, or those animals actively used as labor, companionship, or food stock by humans.

    Species that can be characterized as having a synanthropic relationship with humans, however, fall into neither category, as they tend to be both common and local. Ironically, it is those very species with which humans must interact on a daily basis. So perhaps it is fortuitous that, at long last curious individuals have begun to study those species on a more serious basis. Urban wildlife, such as rats and pigeons, may not draw the admiring looks that a cassowary or koala do, but most people living in metropolitan areas will interact with the former on a regular basis while never seeing the letter outside of a zoo. 

According to the passage, all of the following studies would traditionally be likely to receive funding EXCEPT ....

According to the passage, all of the following studies would traditionally be likely to receive funding EXCEPT ....

  1. an experiment designed to monitor milk production in dairy cows in order to better regulate vitamin dosages

  2. a survey of the population of aye-ayes, a rare type of lemur found primarily in the rainforests of Madagascar

  3. a research group dedicated to mapping the location of raccoon habitats against areas of high human population density

  4. a joint venture between an animal shelter and correctional facility designed to measure the effect of animal companionship on prisoners

  5. tagging endangered California condors at birth and following them for years in order to monitor birth and death rates


B. Atlaliust

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Medan

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawabanyang benar adalah C .

jawaban yang benar adalah C



Jawaban untuk soal iniadalah C. Soal menanyakan tentang studi yang tidak menerima bantuan dana. Pada paragraf kedua disebutkan bahwa jenis studi yang menerima bantuan dana adalah studi hewan eksotis dan terancam punah. Dengan demikian, untuk penelitian hewan yang tidak eksotis dan tidak terancam kepunahan tidak akan menerima bantuan dana. Di antara opsi yang tersedia, yang menyatakan hewan tidak eksotis dan tidak langka adalah opsi yang berbunyi, "Aresearch group dedicated to mapping the location of raccoon habitats against areas of high human population density" yang artinya "Sebuah kelompok penelitian yang didedikasikan untuk memetakan lokasi habitat rakun terhadap daerah kepadatan populasi manusia yang tinggi". Jadi, jawabanyang benar adalah C .

Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah C.

Soal menanyakan tentang studi yang tidak menerima bantuan dana.

Pada paragraf kedua disebutkan bahwa jenis studi yang menerima bantuan dana adalah studi hewan eksotis dan terancam punah. Dengan demikian, untuk penelitian hewan yang tidak eksotis dan tidak terancam kepunahan tidak akan menerima bantuan dana.

Di antara opsi yang tersedia, yang menyatakan hewan tidak eksotis dan tidak langka adalah opsi yang berbunyi,"A research group dedicated to mapping the location of raccoon habitats against areas of high human population density" yang artinya "Sebuah kelompok penelitian yang didedikasikan untuk memetakan lokasi habitat rakun terhadap daerah kepadatan populasi manusia yang tinggi".

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C

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Pertanyaan serupa

According to the passage, DSS have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT ....



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