


A school uniform is a standard set if clothing that people worn when they go to school. It is usually a/an (41) … of a skirt/trousers, a shirt, a tie, and a cap. In Indonesia, a complete uniform is usually worn in flag ceremony on Mondays. (42) … , in some schools students have to wear a complete uniform for more than one day. The use of school uniform was originally intended to reduce (43) … differences among students. Nowadays, school uniforms tend to become a unique identity of a school.

A school uniform is a standard set if clothing that people worn when they go to school. It is usually a/an (41) … of a skirt/trousers, a shirt, a tie, and a cap.

In Indonesia, a complete uniform is usually worn in flag ceremony on Mondays. (42) … , in some schools students have to wear a complete uniform for more than one day.

The use of school uniform was originally intended to reduce (43) … differences among students. Nowadays, school uniforms tend to become a unique identity of a school.

  1. Collaboration

  2. Application

  3. Combination

  4. Introduction


N. Supriyaningsih

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi



Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat “It is usually a … of a skirt/trousers, a shirt, a tie, and a cap.” (“Biasanya adalah … dari rok/celana, kemeja, dasi, dan topi.”) adalah (C) ‘combination’ atau ‘kombinasi’. Pilihan jawaban (A) ‘collaboration’ atau ‘kolaborasi’, (B) ‘application’ atau ‘aplikasi’, dan (D) ‘introduction’ atau ‘pengantar’, bukanlah pilihan jawaban yang tepat.

Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat “It is usually a … of a skirt/trousers, a shirt, a tie, and a cap.” (“Biasanya adalah … dari rok/celana, kemeja, dasi, dan topi.”) adalah (C) ‘combination’ atau ‘kombinasi’. Pilihan jawaban (A) ‘collaboration’ atau ‘kolaborasi’, (B) ‘application’ atau ‘aplikasi’, dan (D) ‘introduction’ atau ‘pengantar’, bukanlah pilihan jawaban yang tepat.

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Pertanyaan serupa

A school uniform is a standard set if clothing that people worn when they go to school. It is usually a/an (41) … of a skirt/trousers, a shirt, a tie, and a cap. In Indonesia, a complete uniform...



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