

Questions  64-66 are based on the following passage.

    In the middle of the 20th century beef Wellington, a thoroughly European dish, overran American dining tables and even breached the walls of the White House. Its precise origins, however, remain hazy. Beef Wellington, a tender fillet wrapped in pastry, is named after Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, Vanquisher of Napoleon, prime minister of Britain and populariser of the eponymous rubber boot. But his role in the creation of the rich concoction is a mystery. Did it fuel his battles against the French, at the end of the 19th century, Britain had a well-established tradition of wrapping meat in pastry. Beef Wellington is more elaborate and luxurious than a Cornish pasty but it is fundamentally still steak with a pastry case. And for all Britain's patriotic pride in the dish, France has its own rich history of filet de boeuf en route.

    Whether it was the hint of the British aristocracy on the whiff of French sophistication, American hostesses of the 1960s embraced beef Wellington with alacrity. Julia Child included it in "Mastering the Art of French Cooking". The Kennedys and Richard Nixon were such fans that it was included in the White House's cookbook. Add in the cost of the ingredients and the dangerous thrill of a dish where the cook cannot be sure they have prevailed until the moment it is served, and aspirational hosts have their menu.

    The fillet of beef, browned and smeared with mustard, is the star despite being notably short on flavour. The cut does, however, provide the necessary tenderness to avoid any disagreeably chewy contrast with the pastry. The pitfalls for anyone attempting a beef Wellington are overcooked beef and soggy pastry. Once sealed, chilling the meat before the final bake helps to avoid the former. To ensure that the pastry-usually puff-remains crisp, the key is to remove as much liquid as possible from another ingredients.

66. What is the forte of Beef Wellington?

66. What is the forte of Beef Wellington?

  1. More famous in the USA than its origin of UK.

  2. Very close to UK history.

  3. Named after someone famous and influential in Britain.

  4. Infamous for its intricate and skillfull way of making.

  5. The pride which comes from mastering the recipe.

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D. Putri

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban dari soal tersebut adalah C. Named after someone famous and influential in Britain.

jawaban dari soal tersebut adalah C. Named after someone famous and influential in Britain.


Jawaban dari soal tersebut adalah C. Named after someone famous and influential in Britain. Soal tersebut menanyakan jawaban yang sesuai dengan teks. Terjemahan dari soal adalah "Apakah keunggulan dari daging Wellington?" Pada paragraf pertama, terdapat kalimat " Beef Wellington, a tender fillet wrapped in pastry, is named after Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, Vanquisher of Napoleon, prime minister of Britain and populariser of the eponymous rubber boot. " artinya "Daging Wellington, fillet lembut yang dibungkus dengan kue, dinamai oleh Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, Penakluk Napoleon, perdana menteri Inggris dan pembuat sepatu bot karet eponymous ." Berdasarkan terjemahan tersebut, dapat diketahui jika nama Beef Wellington atau daging Wellington diberi oleh seseorang yang sangat berpengaruh dan terkebal di Inggris. Dengan demikian, daging Wellington menjadi sesuatu yang sangat istimewa. Jadi, jawaban dari soal tersebut adalah C. Named after someone famous and influential in Britain.

Jawaban dari soal tersebut adalah C. Named after someone famous and influential in Britain.

Soal tersebut menanyakan jawaban yang sesuai dengan teks. Terjemahan dari soal adalah "Apakah keunggulan dari daging Wellington?"

Pada paragraf pertama, terdapat kalimat "Beef Wellington, a tender fillet wrapped in pastry, is named after Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, Vanquisher of Napoleon, prime minister of Britain and populariser of the eponymous rubber boot." artinya "Daging Wellington, fillet lembut yang dibungkus dengan kue, dinamai oleh Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, Penakluk Napoleon, perdana menteri Inggris dan pembuat sepatu bot karet eponymous."

Berdasarkan terjemahan tersebut, dapat diketahui jika nama Beef Wellington atau daging Wellington diberi oleh seseorang yang sangat berpengaruh dan terkebal di Inggris. Dengan demikian, daging Wellington menjadi sesuatu yang sangat istimewa.

Jadi, jawaban dari soal tersebut adalah C. Named after someone famous and influential in Britain.

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Pertanyaan serupa

8. How did the experimenter in paragraph 3 find out how much gas the subjects used?



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