


Text 1 (Questions number 50 -54)

    Democracy is suffering a setback. The Freedom House annual report - the US independent organization which monitors freedom and democracy in the world - notes that democracy has suffered a setback worldwide in the last 13 years. In the 1988-2005 period, the number of countries in the non-free category dropped from 37 to 23 percent, while those in the free category increased (from 36 to 46 percent). Things shifted in the 2005-2018 period: the number of non-free countries increased to 26 percent while the free countries declined to 44 percent. In several Southeast Asian countries, democracy has wavered in the past several years.

    Malaysia, deemed a nation with a bright political future after the triumph of the opposition coalition party Pakatan Harapan in the 2018 general election, is now buckling under. Two years ago, the defeat of Barisan Nasional - the coalition party led by Organisasi Nasional Melayu Bersatu (UMNO - the United Malay National Organization), that had held power since the country gained independence in 1957 - by Pakatan Harapan gave birth to optimism that democracy had finally arrived in that country. The optimism was short-lived, however: Mahathir's own party, the United Malaysia Native Party, eventually left the Pakatan Harapan coalition and made moves to sidle up to UMNO.

    Similar setbacks have occurred in the neighboring countries. After the military coup in 2014, Thai politics have shown no signs of easing up to this day. In the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte has continued his war against drugs which has killed thousands of civi lians, since he became Mayor of Davao in 2013. Things continued when Duterte was elected president in 2016. The political climate of Cambodia is glum. Hun Sen, who has been prime minister since 1985, shows reluctance to give up his power to a nybody. He has disbanded all the opposition parties, arrested anyone going against him, and has gagged the media. The triumph of Aung San Suu Kyi and her party, the National League for Democracy, in the 2015 Election has not changed Myanmar. Though the military junta eased their pressure towards Suu Kyi, who had been under house arrest since 1989, yet the dream of a burgeoning democracy dissipated when the military attacked Rakhine Province and forced 800,000 Rohingya Muslims to seek refuge in Bangladesh. The United Nations investigation team stated the military action was ethnic cleansing, yet Suu Kyi defended the military deed.

    Democracy has a lso declined in Indonesia. This is reflected in the score by Freedom House measuring civil liberties and the political rig hts of the people. In 2016-2017, I ndonesia's freedom score stood at 65 (one being very unfree while 100 being the freest). The score d ropped to 64 in 2018 and declined again to 62 in 201 9. This fact has placed Indonesia in the category of a partially free nation. Democracy in Indonesia d eclined even further after President Joko Widodo's government revised the Corruption Eradication Com mission Law. Things turned even worse when the government forwarded an Employment Creation bill through an Omnibus Law. With the aim to facilitate ease for foreign investment, the government has in fact violated many things, including environmental conservation and the legal hierarchy. Elected democratically in two general elections, Jokowi has in fact betrayed the trust of the general public. As did the leaders of our neighboring countries in Southeast Asia, Jokowi has left a black mark on democracy in Indonesia.

(Adopted from https://en.tempo.co/read/1316128/regressing-democracy)

52. Based on the passage, the worsening situations are observed in the incidents as follows, EXCEPT ____

52. Based on the passage, the worsening situations are observed in the incidents as follows, EXCEPT ____

  1. The United Malaysia Native Party left the Pakatan Harapan coalition and made moves to sidle up to UMNO.

  2. Rodrigo Duterte has continued his war against d rugs which has killed thousands of civi lians.

  3. Hun Sen, the PM of Cambodia has disbanded all the opposition parties, arrested anyone going against him, and has gagged the media.

  4. Suu Kyi, whose party won the election in 2015, spoke up against the action of military junta against Rohingya Moslems.

  5. The passing of Omnibus Law in Indonesia has violated environmental conservation and legal hierarchy.

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D. Putri

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah D.

jawaban yang benar adalah D.


Jawaban yang benar adalah D. Soal meminta untuk menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks. Makna dari kalimat soal adalah "Berdasarkan bacaan tersebut, situasi yang memburuk diamati dalam kejadian sebagai berikut, KECUALI ____". Untuk menjawab soal, perlu diperhatikan kesesuaian pilihan jawaban dengan informasi teks. Pernyataan A sesuai dengan informasi di paragraf 2kalimat terakhir. Pernyataan B sesuai dengan informasi di paragraf 3 kalimat ke 4. Pernyataan C sesuai dengan informasi di paragraf 3 kalimat ke 7. Pernyataan D tidak sesuai dengan informasi di paragraf 3 kalimat terakhir "...,yet Suu Kyi defended the military deed." artinya "..., namun Suu Kyi membela tindakan militer." Pernyataan E sesuai dengan paragraf ke 4 kalimat ke 7. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D.

Jawaban yang benar adalah D.

Soal meminta untuk menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks. Makna dari kalimat soal adalah "Berdasarkan bacaan tersebut, situasi yang memburuk diamati dalam kejadian sebagai berikut, KECUALI ____".

Untuk menjawab soal, perlu diperhatikan kesesuaian pilihan jawaban dengan informasi teks.

Pernyataan A sesuai dengan informasi di paragraf 2 kalimat terakhir.

Pernyataan B sesuai dengan informasi di paragraf 3 kalimat ke 4.

Pernyataan C sesuai dengan informasi di paragraf 3 kalimat ke 7.

Pernyataan D  tidak sesuai dengan informasi di paragraf 3 kalimat terakhir "..., yet Suu Kyi defended the military deed." artinya "..., namun Suu Kyi membela tindakan militer."

Pernyataan E sesuai dengan paragraf ke 4 kalimat ke 7.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D.

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Pertanyaan serupa

What inference can undermine the information taken from the passage?



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