


The following text is for questions 46 to 50.

The Great Fortune Teller

(A Story from Korea)


Once upon a time, there lived two friends named Tukkebi and Tori. Tukkebi means toad and Tori means stone in Korean. One day, Tukkebi felt tired of being poor. "Tori, I want to change my life and live comfortably. What should I do? I can't think of any good ideas." The smart Tori then said confidently, "I know what you have to do, Tukkebi. I am sure we can change our condition later." At first, Tukkebi was confused, but later he agreed and followed Tori's idea.

     Tori sneaked into the King's palace that night. He planned to steal the Royal seal and buried it under the chestnut tree in the King's palace garden. The next morning, the palace became chaotic. Everybody heard the news that the Royal seal was stolen and the King was very mad. He ordered everybody to search for it, but no one could find it.

     Several days later, Tukkebi came to the palace and faced the King. He said calmly, "Dear King, the chestnut tree has the Royal seal under it." Tukkebi knew where the seal was because Tori told him so. The king didn't know about that and went straight to the chestnut tree in the palace garden. His people started digging and found the seal. The King felt very happy and rewarded Tukkebi with a lot of money.

     However, the King then asked Tukkebi another question. Some of the Queen's precious jewellery was  stolen and the King wanted to know where they were. Tukkebi got confused. It happened out of the plan. He regretted his decision to follow Tori's idea.

    He walked back and forth in the court yard. "What should I do?" .. He whispered to himself. Suddenly, someone appeared in the dark fearfully. It was a court maid who looked so pale. "I know that you know everything, Mr Tukkebi," she said. Tukkebi was confused, "What do you mean, lady?" The maid then confessed, " I was the one who stole the jewellery. I buried it under the wooden floor at the corner of the building. Because of that,  now he knew where the jewels were. He felt happy and told the king in the next morning. The King and the Queen were happy.

    Since then, Tukkebi became famous. The Emperor of China wished to meet him and invited him right after. The King tested him. He pointed to a stone on top of a small mound of earth, "Mr Tukkebi, what is hidden inside the mound?” Tukkebi  got shocked. How would he know what was under the heap of soil? At this point, he felt suppressed angry. He shouted "Tukkebi (Toad) is dying because of you, Tori (Stone)!" The King and his people then cheered loudly. The King had buried a toad under the stonel. The Emperor admired Tukkebi more and gave him a lot of money. Although he could change his fate and became very famous, Tukkebi decided to stop doing it. He didn't want to cheat people anymore.


48. "Tukkebi is dying because of you, Tori !" (The last paragraph) Why did Tukkebi shout the sentence above?

48. "Tukkebi is dying because of you, Tori !" (The last paragraph)

Why did Tukkebi shout the sentence above?

  1. He was calling the toad under the big stone.

  2. He was answering the King 's question.

  3. He thanked Tori for his help.

  4. He was very angry to Tori.


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah D.

jawaban yang benar adalah D.undefined 




Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, bacalah paragraf terakhir. Pada paragraf tersebut diceritakan bahwa sang raja menguji Tukkebi sekali lagi dengan menanyakan padanya apa yang ada di bawah batu yang ada di atas anak bukit. Tukkebi kaget, ia tidak dapat menjawab pertanyaan tersebut. Karena merasa tertekan dan marah, Tukkebiberteriak "Tukkebi (Katak) merasa hampir mati karenamu, Tori (Batu)!" (paragaraf terakhir kalimat 8, yang juga dikutipdi soal di atas). Dari penjelasan di atas, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa Tukkebi berteriak seperti itu karena ia marah pada Tori. Tukkebimerasa menyesal ia sudah mengikuti ide Tori (paragraf 4 kalimat terakhir). Kalau ia tidak mengikuti ide Tori, dia tidak harus menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan lain dari sang raja. Berikut ini terjemahan dari opsi jawaban A sampai D: A. Tukkebi memanggil katak yang ada di bawah batu besar., B. Tukkebi menjawab pertanyaan raja., C. Tukkebi berterimakasih kepada Tori karena telah membantunya., D. Tukkebi sangat marah kepada Tori. Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah D.

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, bacalah paragraf terakhir. Pada paragraf tersebut diceritakan bahwa sang raja menguji Tukkebi sekali lagi dengan menanyakan padanya apa yang ada di bawah batu yang ada di atas anak bukit. Tukkebi kaget, ia tidak dapat menjawab pertanyaan tersebut. Karena merasa tertekan dan marah, Tukkebi berteriak "Tukkebi (Katak) merasa hampir mati karenamu, Tori (Batu)!" (paragaraf terakhir kalimat 8, yang juga dikutip di soal di atas).

Dari penjelasan di atas, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa Tukkebi berteriak seperti itu karena ia marah pada Tori. Tukkebi merasa menyesal ia sudah mengikuti ide Tori (paragraf 4 kalimat terakhir). Kalau ia tidak mengikuti ide Tori, dia tidak harus menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan lain dari sang raja.

Berikut ini terjemahan dari opsi jawaban A sampai D:
A. Tukkebi memanggil katak yang ada di bawah batu besar., B. Tukkebi menjawab pertanyaan raja., C. Tukkebi berterimakasih kepada Tori karena telah membantunya., D. Tukkebi sangat marah kepada Tori.

Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah D.undefined 

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Pertanyaan serupa

"Do not tell anyone that I helped to save your life." (Last paragraph) Why did the farmer say so?



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