


The following text is fow questions 26 to 30.

    There is a boy from Uganda named John Ssbunya. He is a shy boy and speaks very slowly. His character might have been affected by his past.

    Uganda was in a war when John was two years old. He was left all alone since he lost his mother and father in the war. He would have died if he was not adopted by a colony of green monkeys when he was left all alone. He learnt their behaviour after living with them for three years, such as living on a diet of fruits, berries and nuts and climbing trees.

    In 1991, a woman saw him scavenging for food with chimpanzees. She reported it to the villagers and people caught him. It was hard since the monkeys were fighting back to prevent the people from taking John away from them.

    John was brought to an orphanage and taught to behave and speak like human. When he was able to utter his first words, it was found that he had a great singing voice. John Ssubunya has joined a 20-strong Pearl of Africa children 's choir now and has gone to many different countries on tour.

30. What might have happened if people had not found John?

30. What might have happened if people had not found John?

  1. He might have got married with one of the girls in his village.

  2. He might have been very rich by being the king of the jungle.

  3. He might have lived with the monkeys forever.

  4. He might have attacked the monkey kingdom.


F. Fadilaturrohmah

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Jawaban terverifikasi



Soal tersebut menentukan jawaban yang sesuai. Terjemahan dari kalimat " What might have happened if people had not found John? " adalah "Apa yang kemungkinan terjadi jika orang-orang tidak menemukan John?" Dari bacaan tersebut, John hidup dan di asuh oleh para monyet selama tiga tahun. Kemungkinan terbesar yang akan terjadi jika John tidak ditemukan oleh manusia adalah kemungkinan dia akan hidup selamanya dengan monyet-monyet tersebut, " He might have lived with the monkeys forever. " Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah C. Catatan: Pada perintah soal terdapat kesalahan penulisan , kata fow seharusnya diganti dengan for.

Soal tersebut menentukan jawaban yang sesuai.

Terjemahan dari kalimat "What might have happened if people had not found John?" adalah "Apa yang kemungkinan terjadi jika orang-orang tidak menemukan John?"

Dari bacaan tersebut, John hidup dan di asuh oleh para monyet selama tiga tahun. Kemungkinan terbesar yang akan terjadi jika John tidak ditemukan oleh manusia adalah kemungkinan dia akan hidup selamanya dengan monyet-monyet tersebut, "He might have lived with the monkeys forever."

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

Pada perintah soal terdapat kesalahan penulisan, kata fow seharusnya diganti dengan for.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




Pertanyaan serupa

32. Why did the people of Dani cut off parts of their fingers?



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