


The following text is for number 21 to 25.

House Husband’s Heart Risk

    Most people assume that life in the rat race is bad for your health. But reversing the traditional gender roles, being a house husband is a stressful business, according to the latest research by American scientist.

    By giving up their jobs in order to become houses husbands, men increase their risk of heart attack or coronary disease by as much as 82%, according to research based on 10 year study of 2,500 people in Boston, USA.

    According to Dr. Elaine Eaker, the key to the problem is that some men became stressed about performing a role not traditionally assign to them by society. Men who stays at home tend not to have the same levels of support from friends and family as women do the same.

    Jack O’Sullivan, of the father’s Direct, was quoted as saying: “Society expects the main career should be a women and society is structured around that. Day care is called mother and toddler groups and some men feel awkward about belonging to those groups.

    Processor Gary Cooper, a psychologist at the University of Manchester, said many men tend to underestimate the task of caring for a family. He said “Most men think being a husband involves putting on a bit of washing, taking the kids to school and then putting their feet up with a cup of coffee.

    They are crazy. Most men are not used to performing a variety of activities simultaneously – the kind of multi–tasking which is second nature to most women.

    It is estimated that men have taken over the main homemaker’s role in one in seven homes, as increasing numbers of women become the main breadwinner. The study also found that women in high powered jobs were more likely to develop heart disease than those in more junior positions.

23. The purpose of the text is….

23. The purpose of the text is….

  1. To describe what a house husband is.

  2. To persuade readers no to become a house husband.

  3. To report the result of a research carried on by Dr. Elaine Eaker.

  4. To explain to readers why house husbands are subjects to heart attack.

  5. To inform readers that 82% of house husbands suffer from heart attack.


D. Putri

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

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jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

jawaban yang tepat adalah D.



Sesuai dengan judulnya yaitu " House Husband's HeartRisk ", teks di atas berisikan tentang hasil riset dari ilmuwan-ilmuwan Amerika mengenai penyebab suami rumah tangga yang rawan terkena serangan jantung karena beberapa hal. Masing-masing dari ilmuwan di atas memiliki argumennya masing-masing terkait hal tersebut. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tujuan dari teks di atas adalah untuk menjelaskan kepada pembaca mengenai alasan mengapa suami rumah tangga rawan terkena serangan jantung. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

Sesuai dengan judulnya yaitu "House Husband's Heart Risk", teks di atas berisikan tentang hasil riset dari ilmuwan-ilmuwan Amerika mengenai penyebab suami rumah tangga yang rawan terkena serangan jantung karena beberapa hal. Masing-masing dari ilmuwan di atas memiliki argumennya masing-masing terkait hal tersebut. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tujuan dari teks di atas adalah untuk menjelaskan kepada pembaca mengenai alasan mengapa suami rumah tangga rawan terkena serangan jantung.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

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