2012 film
2012 is Roland Emmerich’s film which uses the Mayan calendar and other end-of-days prophecies for their doomdays scenario. It images the world coming to an end in 2012.
2012 film brings off a series of wondes. The movie hits its peak early on. It starts whwn Cussack drives a limo through the streets of Los Angeles as freeways and skyscrapers flying sequence is equally thrilling. The climax occurs aboard the giant ark, when an equipment malfunction threatens almost the entire mission.
Unfortunately, the crucial sequence is not filmed or edited with the necessary larity. In 2012 film, Emmerich leaves us confused as to exactly what is happening to whom. However, Emmerich 2012 deserves credit for casting Cussack.
McCarthy has perhaps his best role ever as Peet’s cocky. Danny Glover lends dignity to the role of the president. Chiwetel Ejiofor, as the chief scientist, brings a moving sense of anguish to a stock role. Platt has fun playing the villain of the piece, and Woody Harrelson also chews the scenery as a bugeyed radio prophet trying to warm his listeners about Armagedon.
All in one, 2012’s cinematography, production design and visual effects are awards-worthy. Music also propels the movie. It present American Idol runner-up. Adam Lambert, who provides a rousing anthem over the end credits.
Based on the text, we know that …
Cussack plays a character in 2012 film.
2012 film is based on Cussack’s true experience.
a series of wonders happenedin the Mayan calendar.
Adam Lambert starts 2012 movie.
In this film, doomsday happens before 10.5 R.S. earthquake occurs,
Y. Yuli.Widya
Master Teacher
5.0 (1 rating)
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