

Read the following dialogue and then answer the questions! 

One day, in a city, in a school, in a classroom 

Teacher: Attention please. We have a new friend today. She has just moved to our town from Bali. She will introduce herself and tell you all about herself, so please come in and say hello to her. 

Rena: Thank you ma'm. Hello everyone, thanks for having me today. I would like to introduce myself. My name is Rena Sofia, you can call me Rena. I am from Bali but I moved here to this city two weeks ago so I think I will be your neighbor and a new friend as well. It's nice to meet you. 

Students: Hello Rena, it's nice to meet you too.

Teacher: Welcome to our school Rena, we hope you enjoy studying here.

Rena: Thank you, I hope so.

Teacher: Is it enough for the introduction? Or do you want to ask something to Rena I'll give you few minutes.

Class leader: I have something to ask ma'm. If it's ok ...

Teacher: Yes please. 

Class leader: Hi Rena I'm Alfa. I'm the class leader, welcome to our class. Can you tell us about your hobby? 

Rena: Well, thank you. I like dancing, a modern dance like hip hop dance or K-pop dance because I think dancing is way to have an exercise and fun at the same time. Dancing makes me happy and fit. 

Alfa: That's a good hobby. We have dance club here in our school. You can join them. 

Rena: Thank you, I'll think about it. 

Teacher: Alright guys, I think it's enough for the introduction. You can introduce each one of you to Rena at the break time. Now let's get started to the materials. Rena you can have a seat over there. 

Rena: Thank you Mrs. Rita.

2. How long has Rena been in the new city?

2. How long has Rena been in the new city?

8 dari 10 siswa nilainya naik

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R. Fitriani

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah Rena has been there for two weeks.

jawaban yang tepat adalah Rena has been there for two weeks.


Soal tersebut menanyakan “Sudah berapa lama Rena berada di kota baru?” Di dalam dialog disebutkan I’m from Bali but I moved here to this city two weeks ago so I think I will be your neighbor and a new friend as well . Yang berarti “Aku dari Bali. Aku pindah kesini 2 minggu lalu jadi aku fikir aku akan menjadi tetangga dan teman baru kalian.” Dengan demikian jawaban yang tepat adalah Rena has been there for two weeks.

Soal tersebut menanyakan “Sudah berapa lama Rena berada di kota baru?”

Di dalam dialog disebutkan I’m from Bali but I moved here to this city two weeks ago so I think I will be your neighbor and a new friend as well. Yang berarti “Aku dari Bali. Aku pindah kesini 2 minggu lalu jadi aku fikir aku akan menjadi tetangga dan teman baru kalian.”

Dengan demikian jawaban yang tepat adalah Rena has been there for two weeks.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!



Pertanyaan serupa

5. Who is the teacher's name on the dialogue above?



Jawaban terverifikasi


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