


Read the texts carefully and choose the correct answers.

The following text is for questions 26 to 30.

    Yesterday was Anjani's birthday. She invited all her classmates to her house. She said "It's not necessary to bring gifts. Just come and have fun in my house." She also added, "Wear a casual outfit."

    I went to Anjani's house with Balqis and Esta. We arrived at her house at about four. My mum took us there. When we arrived, some friends were already there. There were no balloons, birthday cake, or happy birthday songs. We played outside the house instead. Anjani's mum had prepared us a bike, an electric bike, a scooter and a ball. The girls went around the housing complex on the bicycles and the scooters, and the boys played football. I couldn't ride a bike, so I sat in the back seat while Esta rode the bike. It was a lot of fun.

    At a half past six, we stopped our activities and went inside the house. We prayed and had dinner together. We were so hungry that we ate up the food. Then, at about seven, we all went home. We were very tired, but happy.

" We arrived at her house at about four." (Paragraph 2) The underlined word refers to ____.

"We arrived at her house at about four." (Paragraph 2)

The underlined word refers to ____.

  1. Balqis, Esta, and the writer

  2. Anjani's classmates

  3. The writer's friends

  4. Anjani's parents


N. Rizky

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepatadalah A.Balqis, Esta, and the writer.

jawaban yang tepat adalah A. Balqis, Esta, and the writer.



Jawaban yang benar adalah A. Balqis, Esta, and the writer. Perintah dari soal tersebut adalah menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan informasi pada teks. Makna dari kalimat soal adalah "Kata yang digarisbawahi merujuk pada ____." Kata yang dimaksud adalah " We " (kami) dalam kalimat " We arrived at her house at about four." Informasi untuk menjawab soal ada di paragraf ke dua pada kalimat "I went to Anjani's house with Balqis and Esta." artinya "Aku pergi ke rumah Anjani bersama Balqis dan Esta." Dengan demikian diketahui kata "kita" yang dimaksud adalah Balqis, Esta, dan penulis (Balqis, Esta, and the writer.) Jadi, jawaban yang tepatadalah A.Balqis, Esta, and the writer.

Jawaban yang benar adalah A. Balqis, Esta, and the writer.

Perintah dari soal tersebut adalah menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan informasi pada teks. Makna dari kalimat soal adalah "Kata yang digarisbawahi merujuk pada ____."

Kata yang dimaksud adalah "We" (kami) dalam kalimat "We arrived at her house at about four." Informasi untuk menjawab soal ada di paragraf ke dua pada kalimat "I went to Anjani's house with Balqis and Esta." artinya "Aku pergi ke rumah Anjani bersama Balqis dan Esta."

Dengan demikian diketahui kata "kita" yang dimaksud adalah Balqis, Esta, dan penulis (Balqis, Esta, and the writer.)

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah A. Balqis, Esta, and the writer.

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