


Read the following text and answer the question!


by: Chris Stapleton

Said, what's wrong, my long time friend?
Something's botherin' you
Tell me what the problem is
I'll see what I can do

There are times we disagree
We agree more than we don't
We won't always see eye to eye
But we will more than we won't

We got friendship
The kind that lasts a lifetime
Through all the hardship, you know
You're a friend of mine

Yeah, we got friendship
The kind that lasts a lifetime
Through all the hardship, you know
You're a friend of mine

If you're on the street, I'll take your hand
If you're hungry, I'll give you food
If it's money you need, I got some saved
If you're sick, I'll visit you

I have been where you are right now
You saw me through it all
I'll lean on you, you can lean on me
I'm never gonna let you fall

"Something's bothering you Tell me what the problem is" (1st stanza) Based on the above lines, a friend means a persons who can ____.

"Something's bothering you
Tell me what the problem is" (1st stanza)

Based on the above lines, a friend means a persons who can ____.

  1. inspire

  2. respect

  3. have fun

  4. confide in

  5. encourage


D. Yaniar

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah D. confide in.

jawaban yang tepat adalah D. confide in.



Stanza pertama pada lirik di atas, yaitu " Something's bothering you...Tell me what the problem is" memiliki arti " Ada sesuatu yang mengganggumu... Katakan kepadaku apa masalahnya ". Dengan demikian, berdasarkan stanza tersebut, arti dari seorang teman adalah seseorang yang dapat dipercaya atau dapat dijadikan sebagai tempat cerita ( confide in ). Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D. confide in.

Stanza pertama pada lirik di atas, yaitu "Something's bothering you... Tell me what the problem is" memiliki arti "Ada sesuatu yang mengganggumu... Katakan kepadaku apa masalahnya".

Dengan demikian, berdasarkan stanza tersebut, arti dari seorang teman adalah seseorang yang dapat dipercaya atau dapat dijadikan sebagai tempat cerita (confide in).

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D. confide in.

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Pertanyaan serupa

The word "perfect" in the sentence "I'm sorry I can't be perfect." has closest meaning with ____.



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