Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D, or E!
This text is for questions 12 to 14.
Composting is the process of transforming organic matter that's ready for disposal into something beneficial. Composting has become more recognized over the years because it's environmentally friendly, providing a safe way to produce healthy, flourishing gardens, brimming with gorgeous flowers and healthy, flavorful fruits and vegetables. Due in part to the many environmental issues facing the world today, added importance is being put on rich 'soils for food security and nutrition. I personally think that composting is really important because of some reasons.
First, it is because composting magnifies overall soil health and boosts its resilience to environmental shocks that include severed climate conditions like drought. Composting also creates a rich source of organic matter, a substance that is vital for air, nutrient and moisture retention. Compost plays a crucial role. in preserving soil fertility. Along with being a resource of plant nutrients that include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium; composting improves the biological and physio chemical properties of the soil. The advantages of composting mentioned here reveal themselves in reduced reliance on inorganic fertilizers, pesticides, and supplemental water. By fortifying and replenishing the soil, compost helps · the soil· resist water, wind and soil erosion by making it possible for water to enter the soil more efficiently, keeping the showers from turning into a flood.
From those reasons, no wonder that many people do composting and use compost for their environment.
Source: https://grassfactory.co.za/
"First, it is because composting magnifies overall soil health and boosts its resilience to environmental shocks that include severed climate conditions like drought."
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