


Write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An example has been given. The correct word must not change the meaning of the sentence.

Example: younger
This word should be changed into youngest.

There are six members in my family. I am the younger of four siblings. Being the youngest, I must admit that my parents tends to pamper me more then my brothers and sister. There are times when my siblings find this annoying but we still loved each other very much. My brothers, Andrew and Aaron, are twins. They will be seating for they’re SPM examination at the end of the year. They study very hard. My parents, sister and I give them a lot of moral supports. They hope to obtained straight As in their SPM. I always make sure that I am quiet when they are studying. My sister, Amanda, is the elder. She is now in college and will graduated next year. She is currently taking a business and market course. She hopes to become successful in sales management. We are a very close and loving family.


(e) ________

(e) ________


D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yangtepat untuk soal iniadalah (e) their .

jawaban yang tepat untuk soal ini adalah (e) their.




Kata yang perlu diperbaiki adalah " they're ", muncul pada kalimat " They will be seating for they're SPM examination at the end of the year." yang apabila diartikan menjadi "Mereka akan mengikuti mereka adalah ujian SPM di akhir tahun." Berdasarkan makna, kalimat ini kurang pas.Kalimat di atas menggunakan salah satu Possessive Pronoun yaitu Possessive Determiner " their " yang salah pengejaan menjadi " they're" . Kalimatnya menjadi: " They will be seating for their SPM examination at the end of the year." yang bermakna"Mereka akan mengikutiujian SPM mereka di akhir tahun." Jadi, jawaban yangtepat untuk soal iniadalah (e) their .

Kata yang perlu diperbaiki adalah "they're", muncul pada kalimat "They will be seating for they're SPM examination at the end of the year."  yang apabila diartikan menjadi "Mereka akan mengikuti mereka adalah ujian SPM di akhir tahun."

Berdasarkan makna, kalimat ini kurang pas. Kalimat di atas menggunakan salah satu Possessive Pronoun yaitu Possessive Determiner "their" yang salah pengejaan menjadi "they're". Kalimatnya menjadi: "They will be seating for their SPM examination at the end of the year." yang bermakna "Mereka akan mengikuti ujian SPM mereka di akhir tahun."

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk soal ini adalah (e) their.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Complete the sentence by choosing A, B, C, or D. When my sister and I get home, we do the assignments from our teachers. We do and finish our ____



Jawaban terverifikasi


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