


Complete the text with the right past word in the box below it carefully!

One day, my older sister ____ (1) to me that she really wanted to go to the beach. So I ____ (2) her that the next day we would go to Marina beach in Semarang. The next day, we prepared many things in the morning. We ____ (3) some foods and beverages, such as fried rice, chocolate wafers, potato chips, mineral water, and coke. Before going to the beach, I ask my little sister, Kania, to join us going to the beach. She ____ (4) to join and she prepared her stuff. After that, we went to the beach.

We went there by motorbike. It ____ (5) 25 minutes to arrive there. Then, we bought tickets in the entrance gate. Before swimming, we changed our clothes first. We swam there for more than one hour. We felt so tired that we ____ (6) to eat the foods that we had brought.

My little sister, Kania, and I created a very big sandcastle, while my older sister continued swimming. After that, we decided to go home because it was getting dark. On the way home, we still ____ (7) hungry. So we stopped at a Javanese restaurant to eat something. I____ (8) gudeg, while my little sister and my older sister ordered nasi rames. After ____ (9) eating, we paid our bills. Then, we went home. We _____ (10) at home at 6 p.m. We were absolutely exhausted. That was a very exhausting day, but I felt so happy that I could have a vacation with my sisters.

(8) ...

(8) ...


S. Adena

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban nomor (8) adalah "Ordered"

jawaban nomor (8) adalah "Ordered"



Soal di atas meminta kita melengkapi teks rumpang di atas dengan menggunakan katayang tersedia di dalam tabel. Teks di atas adala jenis recount text. Fungsinya menceritakan tentang pengalaman pribadi seseorang di masa lampau. Kalimat nomor (8) memiliki arti sebagai berikut: "Saya ____ gudeg, sedangkan saudara-saudaraku memesan nasi rames." Kata yang tepat mengisinya adalah " Ordered " yang berarti "Memesan". Jadi, jawaban nomor (8) adalah "Ordered"

Soal di atas meminta kita melengkapi teks rumpang di atas dengan menggunakan kata yang tersedia di dalam tabel. Teks di atas adala jenis recount text. Fungsinya menceritakan tentang pengalaman pribadi seseorang di masa lampau. 

Kalimat nomor (8) memiliki arti sebagai berikut:

"Saya ____ gudeg, sedangkan saudara-saudaraku memesan nasi rames."

Kata yang tepat mengisinya adalah "Ordered" yang berarti "Memesan".

Jadi, jawaban nomor (8) adalah "Ordered"

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