Real S

14 November 2024 13:44


Real S

14 November 2024 13:44


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Jawaban terverifikasi


Lucky A

27 November 2024 14:30

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>18. Who has the tax been paid by?</p><p>19. Why is this lesson learned by the students?</p><p>20. What is played by the cat?</p><p>21. Whose pencil is taken by Talita for writing?</p><p>22. Who has been advised by the teacher?</p><p>23. Who is helped by your mother?</p><p>24. Who is this article written by?</p><p>25. How many magazines have been torn by the children in the living room?</p><p>26. How much water has been drunk by your sister?</p><p>27. Where are the trees planted by them?</p><p>28. Has your bike been stolen by Andy?</p><p>29. What is being read by your father?</p><p>30. When is my book returned by them?</p>

18. Who has the tax been paid by?

19. Why is this lesson learned by the students?

20. What is played by the cat?

21. Whose pencil is taken by Talita for writing?

22. Who has been advised by the teacher?

23. Who is helped by your mother?

24. Who is this article written by?

25. How many magazines have been torn by the children in the living room?

26. How much water has been drunk by your sister?

27. Where are the trees planted by them?

28. Has your bike been stolen by Andy?

29. What is being read by your father?

30. When is my book returned by them?



12 Desember 2024 22:13

<p>Here are the answers based on the questions in the image:</p><p>Part I</p><p>18. Who has paid the tax?<br>Answer: Someone has paid the tax.</p><p><br>19. Why do the students learn this lesson?<br>Answer: Because they need to understand it.</p><p><br>20. What does the cat play?<br>Answer: The cat plays with a ball.</p><p><br>21. Whose pencil does Talita take for writing?<br>Answer: Talita takes her friend's pencil.</p><p><br>22. Whom has the teacher advised?<br>Answer: The teacher has advised the students.</p><p><br>23. Whom does your mother help?<br>Answer: My mother helps the neighbors.</p><p><br>24. Who writes this article?<br>Answer: A journalist writes this article.</p><p><br>25. How many magazines have the children torn in the living room?<br>Answer: The children have torn three magazines.</p><p><br>26. How much water has your sister drunk?<br>Answer: My sister has drunk two glasses of water.</p><p><br>27. Where do they plant the trees?<br>Answer: They plant the trees in the garden.</p><p><br>28. Has Andy stolen your bike?<br>Answer: No, Andy has not stolen my bike.</p><p><br>29. What is father reading?<br>Answer: Father is reading a newspaper.</p><p><br>30. When do they return my book?<br>Answer: They return your book tomorrow.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><br>---</p><p>Part II (Translation)</p><p>1. Apakah uangmu sering digunakan dengan baik oleh keluargamu?<br>Answer: Is your money often used wisely by your family?</p><p><br>2. Baju-baju itu dijemur di belakang rumahku.<br>Answer: The clothes are dried at the back of my house.</p><p><br>3. Fredy sedang diburu polisi karena kasus narkoba.<br>Answer: Fredy is being chased by the police because of a drug case.</p><p><br>4. Kitab suci ini ditulis dalam bahasa Arab, iya kan?<br>Answer: This holy book is written in Arabic, isn't it?</p><p><br>5. Ikan-ikan ini dipelihara di kolamku.<br>Answer: These fish are kept in my pond.</p><p><br>6. Mengapa pelajaran sulit ini sering dilupakan?<br>Answer: Why is this difficult lesson often forgotten?</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

Here are the answers based on the questions in the image:

Part I

18. Who has paid the tax?
Answer: Someone has paid the tax.

19. Why do the students learn this lesson?
Answer: Because they need to understand it.

20. What does the cat play?
Answer: The cat plays with a ball.

21. Whose pencil does Talita take for writing?
Answer: Talita takes her friend's pencil.

22. Whom has the teacher advised?
Answer: The teacher has advised the students.

23. Whom does your mother help?
Answer: My mother helps the neighbors.

24. Who writes this article?
Answer: A journalist writes this article.

25. How many magazines have the children torn in the living room?
Answer: The children have torn three magazines.

26. How much water has your sister drunk?
Answer: My sister has drunk two glasses of water.

27. Where do they plant the trees?
Answer: They plant the trees in the garden.

28. Has Andy stolen your bike?
Answer: No, Andy has not stolen my bike.

29. What is father reading?
Answer: Father is reading a newspaper.

30. When do they return my book?
Answer: They return your book tomorrow.



Part II (Translation)

1. Apakah uangmu sering digunakan dengan baik oleh keluargamu?
Answer: Is your money often used wisely by your family?

2. Baju-baju itu dijemur di belakang rumahku.
Answer: The clothes are dried at the back of my house.

3. Fredy sedang diburu polisi karena kasus narkoba.
Answer: Fredy is being chased by the police because of a drug case.

4. Kitab suci ini ditulis dalam bahasa Arab, iya kan?
Answer: This holy book is written in Arabic, isn't it?

5. Ikan-ikan ini dipelihara di kolamku.
Answer: These fish are kept in my pond.

6. Mengapa pelajaran sulit ini sering dilupakan?
Answer: Why is this difficult lesson often forgotten?



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