Simon B

03 April 2022 05:09



Simon B

03 April 2022 05:09


Two women were fighting over a child. The poor child was too young to speak. Villagers who were watching this drama did not know whom to believe. They took them to a wise man. The wise man drew a line on the ground. He asked the two women to stand on either side of the line, and placed the child in the middle. As instructed by the wise man, one woman held the child’s left hand and the other, his night hand. “Both of you need to pull the child to your side. The child belongs to whoever drags hem over to her” said the wise man The first woman pulled the child hard with all her might as the child cried in pain, the other woman, let him go. “He is mine.” The first woman should in triumph, even as the other woman broke down in tears. Who do you think loves the child more? She who pulled the child to her side or the one who let the child go?” asked the man to the villagers. The villagers answered, “She who let go loves the child more.” The wise man took the child away from the first woman “Only a mother can have a lender heart for her child.” He said. He handed the child over to the real mother. Which of the following statements are in line with the story? (1) the villagers invited u wise man to one and sale the problem. (2) the wise man used the second woman to let child go. (3) the first woman was eager to pull the child to her side. (4) the child was eventually given to the second woman. (5) the second woman refused to hurt the child. a. (1), (2), and (3) b. (1), (4), and (5) c. (2), (3), and (4) d, (3), (4), and (5)



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P. Parningutan

03 April 2022 10:55

Jawaban terverifikasi

Dear Simon, Jawaban yang benar adalah "c. (2), (3), and (4); d, (3), (4), and (5)." Mari simak pembahasan soal berikut ini, ya. Soal meminta kamu memilih pernyataan yang benar berdasarkan teks soal. Untuk mendapatkan jawabannya, mari kita analisa seluruh pernyataan yang ada pada pilihan jawaban. Pernyataan (1) the villagers invited the wise man to one and sale the problem mempunyai makna "penduduk desa mengundang orang bijak itu untuk mencari tahu akar permasalahan dan mengatasinya." Pernyataan tersebut bertentangan dengan informasi teks yang mengatakan "They took them to a wise man." (Mereka membawa mereka ke orang bijak itu). Pernyataan (2) the wise man used the second woman to let child go mempunyai makna "orang bijak itu menyerahkan anak itu kepada wanita yang kedua." Pernyataan ini sesuai dengan informasi teks yang mengatakan "The wise man took the child away from the first woman “Only a mother can have a lender heart for her child.” He said. He handed the child over to the real mother." (Orang bijak mengambil anak itu dari wanita pertama "Hanya seorang ibu yang dapat memiliki hati yang tulus untuk anaknya." Dia berkata. Dia menyerahkan anak itu kepada ibu kandungnya.) Pernyataan (3) the first woman was eager to pull the child to her side bermakna "wanita pertama sangat ingin menarik anak itu ke sisinya." Pernyataan ini sesuai dengan informasi teks yang mengatakan "The first woman pulled the child hard with all her might as the child cried in pain, the other woman, let him go." (Wanita pertama menarik anak itu dengan sekuat tenaga saat anak itu menangis kesakitan, wanita kedua, melepaskannya.) Pernyataan (4) the child was eventually given to the second woman bermakna "anak itu akhirnya diberikan kepada wanita kedua." Pernyataan ini sesuai dengan informasi teks yang mengatakan "The wise man took the child away from the first woman “Only a mother can have a lender heart for her child.” He said. He handed the child over to the real mother." (Orang bijak mengambil anak itu dari wanita pertama "Hanya seorang ibu yang dapat memiliki hati yang tulus untuk anaknya." Dia berkata. Dia menyerahkan anak itu kepada ibu kandungnya.) Pernyataan (5) the second woman refused to hurt the child. (wanita kedua menolak untuk melukai anak tersebut.) Pernyataan ini sesuai dengan informasi teks yang mengatakan "The first woman pulled the child hard with all her might as the child cried in pain, the other woman, let him go." (Wanita pertama menarik anak itu dengan sekuat tenaga saat anak itu menangis kesakitan, wanita kedua, melepaskannya.) Dari hasil analisa seluruh pernyataan tersebut, kita menemukan bahwa pernyataan yang sesuai dengan informasi teks adalah pernyataan 2, 3, 4 dan 5. Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah "c. (2), (3), and (4); d, (3), (4), and (5)." Thanks for asking Roboguru, dear Simon! Have a blessed day!




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