Niaa S
01 Oktober 2023 15:16
Niaa S
01 Oktober 2023 15:16
Ikuti Tryout SNBT & Menangkan E-Wallet 100rb
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Meikarlina S
02 Oktober 2023 08:32
Berikut adalah 20 contoh karakter positif dan negatif beserta artinya dalam bahasa Inggris:
Karakter Positif:
1. Honest (jujur) - always tells the truth
2. Kind (baik hati) - shows compassion and empathy towards others
3. Responsible (bertanggung jawab) - takes ownership of their actions and decisions
4. Generous (dermawan) - willing to give and share with others
5. Patient (sabar) - able to wait calmly without getting frustrated
6. Confident (percaya diri) - believes in themselves and their abilities
7. Respectful (penuh hormat) - treats others with dignity and consideration
8. Optimistic (optimis) - maintains a positive outlook on life and the future
9. Creative (kreatif) - able to think outside the box and come up with new ideas
10. Courageous (berani) - willing to face challenges and take risks
11. Humble (rendah hati) - modest and unassuming
12. Loyal (setia) - committed and faithful to their relationships and commitments
13. Selfless (tanpa pamrih) - puts the needs of others before their own
14. Grateful (bersyukur) - appreciative of what they have and express gratitude towards others
15. Persistent (tekun) - keeps working towards their goals despite setbacks and obstacles
16. Tolerant (sabar) - able to accept and respect differences in others
17. Diligent (tekun) - hardworking and committed to achieving their goals
18. Empathetic (empati) - able to understand and share the feelings of others
19. Forgiving (pemaaf) - able to let go of grudges and forgive others
20. Open-minded (terbuka) - willing to consider new ideas and perspectives
Karakter Negatif:
1. Dishonest (tidak jujur) - tells lies or deceives others
2. Selfish (egois) - only thinks about themselves and their own needs
3. Irresponsible (tidak bertanggung jawab) - doesn't take ownership of their actions or decisions
4. Greedy (serakah) - always wants more and isn't satisfied with what they have
5. Impatient (tidak sabar) - gets frustrated easily and can't wait calmly
6. Arrogant (sombong) - thinks they are better than others
7. Disrespectful (tidak hormat) - treats others with disrespect and disregard
8. Pessimistic (pesimis) - always sees the negative side of things
9. Uncreative (tidak kreatif) - lacks imagination and can't come up with new ideas
10. Cowardly (pengecut) - afraid to face challenges or take risks
11. Proud (bangga) - overly confident and boastful
12. Unloyal (tidak setia) - unfaithful and disloyal to their relationships and commitments
13. Selfish (tidak berpikir orang lain) - only thinks about themselves and their own needs
14. Ungrateful (tidak bersyukur) - doesn't appreciate what they have and takes things for granted
15. Quitter (mudah menyerah) - gives up easily and doesn't persevere through challenges
16. Intolerant (tidak toleran) - unable to accept or respect differences in others
17. Lazy (malas) - doesn't work hard or put in effort to achieve their goals
18. Unempathetic (tidak empati) - unable to understand or share the feelings of others
19. Vengeful (dendam) - holds grudges and seeks revenge against others
20. Close-minded (tutup pikiran) - unwilling to consider new ideas or perspectives.
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