Anthony B

02 Juli 2022 05:12



Anthony B

02 Juli 2022 05:12


Preparing the Children Today for Tomorrow Parents strive to have their children academically competitive. Their goal is to send their children to good schools as well as to choose extracurricular activities that improve their children's skills and abilities. Children learn what is important through their school year. The question then becomes what should parents consider in choosing the best education for their children? When should the process begin? The answer is, from the time of birth, how ever, the schools become part of the process, when children begin preschools and kinder garten. This is when parents pick a school that parallel their educational beliefs. A joint effort between parents, students, and the schools is established. Success will be based on how well the "team" works. Parents need to look for a school that will be a "second home" for their children. These are some important factors that should be considered. It is very important that students have good reading comprehension, writing and speaking skills. In today's world, students who develop skill in two or more languages will find further studies easier. English is considered the business language of today and is important for students who plan to attend university in English speaking countries. Mandarin is becoming more important as China begins to move into world economy. French and German are necessary for many students are now looking at oppor tunities in Europe. Students who develop more than one language have an advantage over competitors applying for college place ment. However one cannot develop a second language unless one develops his or her first language. Studies show that children between the ages of two and six best acquire a second language parallel to their own. Therefore, starting students in school offering dual language instruction programmes have an advantage. If a dual language programmes isn't available, or is too expensive, parents may need to look at different ways to get the needed language instruction. Language acquisition needs to be active. A good school will begin with oral language at the earliest opportunity to develop speaking confidence and to set grammatical structures. When a child learn two languages in parallel, vocabulary and grammatical structures are easier to acquire. The earlier a second language is learned, the less problem a child will have with improper word use. The more active in each language students become the more proficient and confident they will be. Taken from The Jakarta Post, 2007 33. What language should you study if you want to continue your study in Europe?



Jawaban terverifikasi



D. Nur

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang

02 Juli 2022 09:57

Jawaban terverifikasi

Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah: "English, French and German" (bahasa Inggris, Perancis dan Jerman)". Soal ini menanyakan bahasa yang harus dipelajari jika ingin melanjutkan pendidikan di negara-negara Eropa menurut teks tertera. Untuk menjawab soalnya, perhatikan kalimat-kalimat berikut di paragraf 4: - "English is considered the business language of today and is important for students who plan to attend university in English speaking countries." Arti "Bahasa Inggris saat ini dianggap sebagai bahasa bisnis dan penting bagi siswa yang berencana memasuki universitas di negara-negara berbahasa Inggris." - "French and German are necessary for many students are now looking at opportunities in Europe." Arti "Bahasa Perancis dan Jerman penting bagi banyak siswa yang sekarang sedang mencari kesempatan di Eropa." Dilihat dari arti kalimat-kalimat di atas, diketahui bahwa ada 3 bahasa yang harus dipelajari siswa jika ingin melanjutkan pendidikan di Eropa, yaitu bahasa 'Inggris, Perancis, dan Jerman'. Kenapa siswa harus belajar bahasa Inggris jika ingin bersekolah di Eropa? Hal tersebut dikarenakan bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa asing yang paling banyak digunakan untuk berkomunikasi dan 19 dari 25 negara di Eropa, termasuk Inggris dan Irlandia, memakai bahasa Inggris saat berkomunikasi. Jadi, jawaban untuk soal ini adalah: "English, French and German" (bahasa Inggris, Perancis dan Jerman)".




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