Muhammad A

28 Februari 2024 03:29



Muhammad A

28 Februari 2024 03:29


Tolong bantu jawab, trimakasih

Tolong bantu jawab, trimakasih






Nico V

28 Februari 2024 07:56

<p>1. The letter is about an invitation to launch the new magazine "Healthy Lifestyle".&nbsp;</p><p>2. The letter was sent by Leon Matthew, Brand Manager of Moon Corp.&nbsp;</p><p>3. The launch event will be held on May 20, 2023, at 7.30 pm.&nbsp;</p><p>4. The launch will introduce the editors and team who have worked for this magazine.&nbsp;</p><p>5. The letter was received by Mr. Robert Montez, General Manager of Moon Corp.&nbsp;</p><p>6. Events will be held for our business partners and high profile clients.&nbsp;</p><p>7. They felt that society needed a magazine that focused on health issues and therefore they decided to publish this type of magazine.&nbsp;</p><p>8. Mr Robert must provide confirmation by the end of this week.</p>

1. The letter is about an invitation to launch the new magazine "Healthy Lifestyle". 

2. The letter was sent by Leon Matthew, Brand Manager of Moon Corp. 

3. The launch event will be held on May 20, 2023, at 7.30 pm. 

4. The launch will introduce the editors and team who have worked for this magazine. 

5. The letter was received by Mr. Robert Montez, General Manager of Moon Corp. 

6. Events will be held for our business partners and high profile clients. 

7. They felt that society needed a magazine that focused on health issues and therefore they decided to publish this type of magazine. 

8. Mr Robert must provide confirmation by the end of this week.



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