Anthony B

11 Januari 2022 07:32



Anthony B

11 Januari 2022 07:32


The Komodo dragon is the biggest lizard in the world. It is an ancient species of reptile with ancestors that have lived from more than 1 00 million years ago. These huge lizards have stumpy, curved legs. They are great in camouflaging themselves since they have clay-coloured, scaly skin. Their huge, muscular tails are also fascinating. Komodo dragons are solitary animals for they hunt and live alone. Though almost all lizards are omnivores, Komodo dragons eat meat. Komodo dragons use their tongue to detect the smell of their prey up to 1.6 kilometres away! They eat every type of meat they can find, whether it is deer, wild pig, snakes, wild buffalo, or even fish stranded on the shore. Usually, adult dragons ambush their prey. Once their prey passes by, the dragons attack with their long, strong claws and short, sharp teeth. If the attacked animals run away, the dragons will follow them at ease. The deadly bacteria contained in the Komodo dragons' bite will surely kill its meal not long after it gets bitten. The life of young Komodo dragons is not easy. Once they hatch from their eggs, they have to struggle to climb up the nearest tree as soon as possible. That's because adult dragons think of the hatchlings as easy meals and may eat them. Since the adults are too big and heavy to climb trees, the young dragons are safe. Until four years old and reaching four feet long, the young dragons will stay on trees and eat grasshoppers, geckos, eggs, and beetles. After that, they can begin living on the ground. 4. The second paragraph tells us about Komodo dragons' . .. A. food B. sense of smell C. diet and how they get it D. long claws and sharp teeth



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Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Diponegoro

12 Januari 2022 09:51

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Hai, Arka. Jawaban atas soal ini adalah "A. food". Soal menanyakan isi dari paragraf kedua yang berkaitan dengan komodo. Biasanya isi suatu paragraf digambarkan pada kalimat pertama. Kalimat pertama paragraf kedua berbunyi "Though almost all lizards are omnivores, Komodo dragons eat meat." (Meski hampir seluruh kadal itu omnivira, komodo memakan daging.). Kemudian, terdapat kalimat ketiga yang berbunyi "They eat every type of meat they can find, whether it is deer, wild pig, snakes, wild buffalo, or even fish stranded on the shore." (Mereka memakan setiap jenis daging yang mereka temukan, entah itu rusa, babi liar, ular, kerbau liar, atau bahkan ikan yang terdampar di pantai.). Berdasarkan kalimat-kalimat tersebut, isi paragraf kedua menceritakan tentang makanan komodo. Dengan demikian, jawaban yang tepat adalah "A. food"




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