Jongdi J

07 Agustus 2023 02:50


Jongdi J

07 Agustus 2023 02:50


Text 1 Many visually impaired people can't see words written on a page. Instead, they use a tactile writing system called braille to read. Individuals with visual impairments use their fingers to feel what is written instead of reading with their eyes. In order to print books, letters, and other documents in braille, though, you will need a braille printer. This device works like a laser or an ink jet printer. Firstly, this device works if you have installed a braille translation software on a computer. Then you have to connect the printer to your computer. The translation software will translate the document on your computer into braille code. After that the printer will receive the data that tells it what to print. Inside the printer are a series of embossing pins that create the indentations in the paper. After receiving the code, the printer will hammer out dots on thick paper using cylindrical coils of wire called solenoids to move the pins. Braille printers use social paper that is heavier than standard printer paper. They are also louder and slower than printers used to print visual media. Printed braille takes up more space on the page than written letters, so printers may require more paper for the same document. (1) Braille printers are different from braillers. (2) Braillers are like braille typewriters. (3) The cost of a braille printer depends on how much it is designed to print. (4) They have six keys for each of the six dots used in braille and a few other keys for things like line spacing. (5) Some braillers have a special bell that lets blind.people know when they are only a few spaces ahead of the end of a line. (6) Some braillers are purely mechanical and don't require electricity to work. (7) Others can be plugged into the wall. Adapted from: Text 2 After his stint in the French Royal Army from 1784 to 1792, Charles Barbier de Ia Serre had become very interested in literacy. He wanted to make it easier for people including the blind- to learn to read and write, and he thought the best solution was to offer them a simpler writing system. Barbier tinkered with several options over the years, ranging from shorthand to a phonetic alphabet. Eventually, he developed a system that arranged letters in a grid. Each letter would be represented by two numbers, which in turn could be written as two rows of dots. By counting the dots, a person could read the numbers and then convert them to the right letter. It was a bit clunky, but it meant that a blind person could read the raised dots by feel - and then make impressions on a piece of paper, which another blind person could read the same way. He brought his grids and dots to the Royal Institution in 1821, and one of the first students to learn it was the then 12-yearold Braille. Braille immediately realized the potential Barbier's system offered, but he also saw room for improvement. He took the idea and ran with it, essentially, and spent the next several years developing a simpler, more flexible version of Barbier's raised-dot alphabet. The writing system that 'thousands of people still use today - and millions more relied on before the advent of smartphones - began as a teenage boy's school project. He finished by 1824, but had to wait until1829 to actually publish the first edition of what's now known as braille. But the version he published in 1837 is the one still used today: neat arrangements of between 1 and 6 dots to represent each letter. It even included notations for music, since Braille was an accomplished cellist and organist as well as a star student and a language developer. Adapted from: /04/the-wild-story-of-how-a-12-year-old-invented-braille/?sh=3b72b46a493f 18. Based on Text 1, which option best summarizes the process of printing a braille document? A. Install a translation software - connect the printer to computer - translate a document into braille code - print on a thick paper B. Install a translation software - translate a document into braille code - print on a thick paper - connect the printer to a computer C. Translate a document into braille code - install a translation software - connect the printer to a computer - print on thick paper D. Connect the printer to a computer - install a translation software - translate a document into braille code - print on thick paper E. Connect the printer to a computer - translate a document into braille code - print on thick paper- install a translation software

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Astrophile A

02 Februari 2024 22:34

Jawaban terverifikasi

Jawaban yang tepat adalah: A. Install a translation software - connect the printer to computer - translate a document into braille code - print on a thick paper Jawaban dapat diperoleh dari: This device works like a laser or an ink jet printer. Firstly, this device works if you have installed a braille translation software on a computer. Then you have to connect the printer to your computer. The translation software will translate the document on your computer into braille code. After that the printer will receive the data that tells it what to print. Inside the printer are a series of embossing pins that create the indentations in the paper. After receiving the code, the printer will hammer out dots on thick paper using cylindrical coils of wire called solenoids to move the pins.


Eka R

26 Agustus 2023 10:31

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People who drink two or more sweetened soft drinks a week have much hig her risk of pancreatic cancer, an unusual but .... (42) ... . cancer. People who drink mostly fruit juice ... (43) .... sodas did not have the same risk. Sugar may be to .... (44).... but people who drink sweetened sodas regularly have other poor health habits. The high levels of sugar in soft drinks may be increasing the level of insulin in the body, which we think .... (45) .... to pancreatic cancer cell growth. Insulin which helps the body .... (46) .... sugar is made in the pancreas. 46. A. digest B. metabolize c. stimulate D. produce E. apply



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Since 1929, physicists have known that the universe is expanding. Most physicists hold that the entire observable universe was condensed into a tiny area of exceptional density and that this initial mass exploded outward in what is commonly referred to as the "Big Bang." The universe has been expanding steadily ever since this cataclysmic event and most physicists naturally assumed that this expansion must be gradually slowing down. Some theorists even predicted that the gravitational pull of the universe would cause the eventual contraction of the universe-the "Big Crunch." However, in 1998, a team of observers studying supernovae made a shocking discovery. Instead of slowing down, the expansion of the universe is accelerating. In fact, the acceleration appeared to have begun some 10 billion years ago. Later measurements of the cosmic microwave background and a survey of the distribution of galaxies seem to corroborate the initial finding that the expansion of the universe is indeed accelerating. Cosmologists believe the most likely explanation for the acceleration of the universe's expansion is an entity known as dark eriergy According to theory, dark energy should account for approximately twothirds of the total cosmic energy density. It also is believed to be gravitationally repulsive and diffused throughout the areas of space unoccupied y galaxies. Although theoretically possible, dark energy, if it were found to exist, would provide theorists with a number of difficulties and perhaps even require an extensive rethinking of fundamental physics. Some cosmologists believe that the existence of dark energy impl ies the existence of subatomic particles more than thirty orders of magnitude smaller than the electron. Others have tinkered with Einstein's theory of relativity in an attempt to account for the perceived effects of dark energy. Such drastic revisions to long-held tenets have encouraged some physicists to seek a more conventional solution to the accelerating universe enigma, one that does not invoke the specter of dark energy. These theories posit more mundane explanations, such as the aggregate gravitational effect of interstellar dust. Recently, four independent groups have found evidence of the integrated Sachs Wolfe effect, a phenomenon linked to the presence of dark energy. The passage is primarily concerned with .... A. defending an innovative theory B. comparing competing scientific theories C. detailing the ramifications of a finding D. describing a problem and its possible solution E. proposing a new approach to cosmology



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Forget lions, tigers, and bears. When it comes to the art of war, army ants are among the most frightening creatures on earth. With powerful mouth parts, these ighters can skillfully cut creatures much larger than themselves into pieces. Acting together in great number, army ant colonies succeed at making tens of thousands of such kills each day. Their capabilities do have limits, though. Contrary to popular belief, they almost never take down large animals or people. One of the best places to observe army ants is Barro Colorado, an island in a lake creates by Panama Canal. The island is home to as many as 50 colonies of Eciton burchellii, the most studied army ant in world. It is one of 150 types of army ants in the New World; more 170 other types live in Asia, Africa, and Australia. The colonies of this army ant are huge, ranging from 300.000 to 700.000 ants. They never stay in one place long, moving from nest site to nest site. Linking legs together, they use their own bodies to form enormous nests called bivouacs, which they hang beneath a fallen tree. There they stay for about 20 days as the queen lays as many as 300.00 eggs. When the ants go hunting as many as 200.000 of them leave the nest in a group that broadens into a fan as wide as 14 meters. This swarm raid takes a slightly diferent course each day, allowing the hunter to cover fresh ground each time. Protecting the ants wherever they go are soldiers, recognizable by their oversized jaws. If their frightening looks do not scare enemies away, soldier also have a powerful bite and the attack is often suicidal. Because their jaws are shaped like ishhooks, the soldiers cannot pull them out again. Amazonian tribes have used soldier ants to close wounds, breaking of the bodies and leaving the head in place. Eciton burchellii are blind and cannot see what a head of them is, but they move together in such great numbers that they can easily kill the non-army ants, insect and other small creatures that constitute their prey. When the groups happen upon a break in the path, ants immediately link legs together and form living bridges so that the groups can move forwards without any delay. In Japanese the word ant is written by linking two character: one meaning “insect”, the other meaning “loyalty”. Indeed, individual ants are completely loyal to their fellow ants. They display many examples of selless cooperation that, while certainly extreme, cannot fail to win human admiration. In which paragraphs of the text author mention the sight of army ants? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5



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