Bella B

07 Maret 2022 15:21



Bella B

07 Maret 2022 15:21


Task 3. Complete the story with the words in the box. Long time ago, (1) ____ Arthur and his queen whished fora child. At last a daughter was born. They named it Regina. To (2) ____ the baby princess, the King held a great party. Nobles and peasants (3) ____ and their ladies were invited. All were in the joyful moment. King Arthur also invited his good friend, Baron Camelot. The Baron brought his young son, (4) ____ Hairy, with him. Among the quests were one good (5)____. She was Catherine . She wished the (6) ____ with a gift. Waving her hand. Catherine said, " My gift shall be.....," Before she could continue her speak, the (7) ____ door flew open. It was the d e v i l (8) ____ named Darkea. She was furious because the King didn't invite her to the (9) ____. " And my gift for the child is," said the witch." before the sun sets on her seventeenth birthday, she shall p r i c k her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and sleep forever.". Then she disappeared. But Catherine was still there. She said, " When there's true love's k i s s, the (10) ____ shall break and the princess open her eyes.". (Adapted: http/www.geocities.comiclisneywondersistory4.h ml) Castle - spell - feast - King - prince - Princess - knights - honor - fairy - witch Number 8



Jawaban terverifikasi



A. Mursyidatul

Mahasiswa/Alumni UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

15 Maret 2022 03:45

Jawaban terverifikasi

Hai Bella, kakak bantu jawab ya. Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah “witch". Soal meminta untuk melengkapi bagian rumpang pada kalimat dengan pilihan kata yang tersedia. Kalimat soal nomor 8 yaitu "It was the devil ____ named Darkea." (Itu adalah ____ iblis bernama Darkea.) Pilihan kata: Castle (Kastil) - spell (mantra) - feast (pesta) - King (Raja) - prince (pangeran) - Princess (Putri) - knights (ksatria) - honor (memuliakan) - fairy (peri) - witch (penyihir). Maksud dari kalimatnya yaitu itu adalah penyihir iblis bernama Darkea, maka kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimatnya yaitu ''witch'' (penyihir). Kalimat lengkapnya menjadi ''It was the devil witch named Darkea." (Itu adalah penyihir iblis bernama Darkea.) Jadi, jawabannya adalah “witch". Semoga membantu ya.




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