Binar S

03 April 2022 08:35

Binar S

03 April 2022 08:35


Spider's Web Most spiders eat insects and some trap their food in webs. How a spider makes its web to get food is fascinating. First, it must find the right location. This could be in a bush, a tree or a fence. The space must be wide enough and the supports must be strong enough to hold the web. Most important, the web must be near the source of tood. Unce the location is right, the spider sets out to spin the web. This web is used to trap insects. The silk is produced first in liquid form and then the air will help to solidify it and strands form one very strong thread. The wind will help to blow the threads to the opposite side and the spider will then fasten it sately to the support. The spider spins its web according to a design. A different silk produced for each part of the web. The parts which will trap the insects are sticky. When the threads in are in place, the spider will move to the center of the web and weave a silky mattress for it to rest. Soon enough, an unsuspecting insect will come flying into it and get itself trapped in the sticky web. As it struggles, the movements of the insect will wake the spider and it will quickly move towards it. When the spider reaches the insect, it spins more web around it until it is trapped completely. Then the spider attacks its prisoner. The insect is killed with a sting and the spider gets to enjoy its meal to survive, spiders trap their prey in their tascinating webs. No insects will be able to fly away once they have been trapped. Match the questions in the left column with the answers in the right column. The function of the wind is ...... a. To protect themselves from their prey b. To blow the spider to reach the opposite site c. In the sticky part d. To solidify the silk e. In the silky mattress f. To trap their prey g. To help the thread reach the opposite site

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Jawaban terverifikasi

A. Chikal

04 April 2022 02:20

Jawaban terverifikasi

Hai Binar, kakak bantu jawab ya. Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah "b. To blow the spider to reach the opposite side". Pada soal ini kamu diminta untuk mencocokkan pertanyaan di kolom kiri dengan jawaban di kolom kanan. Pertanyaannya, "The function of the wind is ......" yang artinya "Fungsi dari angin adalah .....". Untuk menjawab soal ini kamu dapat melihat pada kalimat "The wind will help to blow the threads to the opposite side and the spider will then fasten it safely to the support." (Angin akan membantu meniup benang ke sisi yang berlawanan dan laba-laba kemudian akan mengikatnya dengan aman ke penyangga.) Dapat disimpulkan dari kutipan di atas bahwa angin berfungi untuk meniup laba-laba untuk mencapai sisi yang berlawanan. Oleh karena itu, jawabannya adalah "b. To blow the spider to reach the opposite side" (Untuk meniup laba-laba untuk mencapai sisi yang berlawanan). Semoga membantu ya.

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