Mawar M

10 Maret 2022 12:16



Mawar M

10 Maret 2022 12:16


Sometimes, we have trouble inserting a new SIM card in our phone. It is easy to do if we follow the right instructions. Every phone has different ways of SIM card insertion. Here are some ways that we can do to insert SIM card in our phone generally. First of all, make sure your phone is off. Remove the phone cover with your fingers carefully. We also have to remove the phone battery, and then you will see the slot of SIM card inside. Push the SIM card out. of its larger plastic card. Do it carefully to prevent damage. The next step is ins the SIM card into the slot. It is important to check if the SIM card is inserted in the right way. Then, put the battery and the cover back on. Turn it on and your phone is ready to use. The purpose of the text above is to describe .... A. how to buy a new phone B. how to activate your phone C. how important SIM card is in our phone D. how to insert a SIM card into your phone



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T. TA.Kak.Ainun

17 Maret 2022 07:14

Jawaban terverifikasi

Hi Mawar, kakak bantu jawab ya :) Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah "D. how to insert a SIM card into your phone". Soal menanyakan tujuan dari teks di atas. Tujuan teks ini bisa tentukan dengan memperhatikan kalimat di awal paragraf yaitu "Every phone has different ways of SIM card insertion. Here are some ways that we can do to insert SIM card in our phone generally" (Setiap ponsel memiliki cara penyisipan kartu SIM yang berbeda. Berikut adalah beberapa cara yang dapat kita lakukan untuk memasukkan kartu SIM di ponsel kita secara umum). Dari kalimat ini diketahui bahwa teks di atas berisi langkah-langkah cara memasukkan kartu SIM ke dalam ponsel. Dengan demikian, tujuan dari teks ini adalah untuk menjelaskan cara memasukkan kartu SIM ke dalam ponsel. Jadi, jawabannya adalah "D. how to insert a SIM card into your phone". Semoga membantu ya :)



Witriya N

29 Mei 2023 13:41

"these phones can be used for email,browsing the internet,playing music" The pharase'these phones'refers to?


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