Gloria S

05 Maret 2024 09:34

Gloria S

05 Maret 2024 09:34


relative pronoun

relative pronoun

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Jawaban terverifikasi

Suli P

06 Maret 2024 01:35

Jawaban terverifikasi

Relative pronouns are words that introduce relative clauses in a sentence. They include: 1. **Who**: Refers to people. - Example: The girl who won the award is my friend. 2. **Whom**: Also refers to people but is used in a more formal context. - Example: The teacher whom you met is my mentor. 3. **Which**: Refers to things or animals. - Example: The book, which is on the shelf, is interesting. 4. **That**: Can refer to people, things, or animals. It's more commonly used in restrictive clauses. - Example: The car that I bought last week is red. 5. **Whose**: Shows possession and is used for people, animals, or things. - Example: The man whose wallet was found called to thank us. These pronouns help provide additional information about a noun in the sentence.

Salsabila M


04 Mei 2024 02:00

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p><br>Relative pronouns are words used to introduce relative clauses, which provide additional information about a noun or pronoun in the main clause. Common relative pronouns include "who," "whom," "whose," "which," and "that."</p><p>Here's how each relative pronoun is typically used:</p><p><strong>Who</strong>: Refers to people and is used as the subject of a relative clause. Example: "The woman who lives next door is a doctor."</p><p><strong>Whom</strong>: Also refers to people, but is used as the object of a verb or preposition in the relative clause. Example: "The man whom I met yesterday is my new neighbor."</p><p><strong>Whose</strong>: Indicates possession and is used to show that something belongs to someone. Example: "The book whose cover is torn belongs to Sarah."</p><p><strong>Which</strong>: Refers to things and is used in non-restrictive relative clauses to provide additional information. Example: "I bought a new car, which is parked in the garage."</p><p><strong>That</strong>: Can refer to both people and things. It is often used in restrictive relative clauses to provide essential information. Example: "The house that we visited last week is for sale."</p>

Relative pronouns are words used to introduce relative clauses, which provide additional information about a noun or pronoun in the main clause. Common relative pronouns include "who," "whom," "whose," "which," and "that."

Here's how each relative pronoun is typically used:

Who: Refers to people and is used as the subject of a relative clause. Example: "The woman who lives next door is a doctor."

Whom: Also refers to people, but is used as the object of a verb or preposition in the relative clause. Example: "The man whom I met yesterday is my new neighbor."

Whose: Indicates possession and is used to show that something belongs to someone. Example: "The book whose cover is torn belongs to Sarah."

Which: Refers to things and is used in non-restrictive relative clauses to provide additional information. Example: "I bought a new car, which is parked in the garage."

That: Can refer to both people and things. It is often used in restrictive relative clauses to provide essential information. Example: "The house that we visited last week is for sale."

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Jawaban terverifikasi