Adelia A

25 Oktober 2021 09:00



Adelia A

25 Oktober 2021 09:00


Read again and answer. Space Travel The most famous space agencies in the world are NASA (in the USA). ESA (Europe) and the Russian and Chinese space programs. They build rockets and teach astronauts how to fly them. Rockets take a long time to build and cost a lot of money. They're too. expensive to use as nominal transport because they can only fly once. The European Space Agency is trying to build the first ‘spaceplane. This is exciting because it’s the way we'll travel in the future. Engineers think their new spaceplane will be cheaper, and easier to build and use. People will use them to go to space stations in 2015. At the moment space tourists can visit the Russian space station MIR but it’s very expensive. In 2001 on American businessman, Dennis Tito, paid $20 million to go for ten days. Some people think there] will be different spaceplanes for tourists soon. They will fly higher than 100 km above Earth. the line where space starts. Flights will be two and a half hours and there will be a pilot and five or six tourists. The tourists will see Earth from above but they won't go to the Moon. For about five minutes they'll feel like they don't weigh anything and they ‘will float inside the spaceplane. A ride in these space planes will be cheaper than going to the MR space station. It’ll only cost $200,000! 1. Which are the most famous space agencies?



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H. R.

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

28 Oktober 2021 00:11

Jawaban terverifikasi

Hai Adelia, kakak bantu jawab ya. Perintah soal adalah "Read again and answer." (Baca lagi dan jawablah). Disini kita disuruh menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan informasi yang terdapat dalam bacaan yang berjudul "Space Travel" (Perjalanan Luar Angkasa). Pertanyaan nomor 1, "Which are the most famous space agencies?" (Badan-badan antariksa mana yang paling terkenal?). Jawaban dapat ditemukan pada paragraf pertama dalam kalimat pertama yaitu "The most famous space agencies in the world are NASA (in the USA), ESA (Europe) and the Russian and Chinese space programs." (Badan-badan antariksa paling terkenal di dunia adalah NASA (di Amerika Serikat), ESA (Eropa) dan program luar angkasa Rusia dan Cina). Jadi, jawabannya adalah "The most famous space agencies are NASA (in the USA), ESA (Europe) and the Russian and Chinese space programs" (Badan-badan antariksa paling terkenal adalah NASA (di Amerika Serikat), ESA (Eropa) dan program luar angkasa Rusia dan Cina). Semoga membantu ya.



Elbert F

25 Oktober 2021 15:00

the answer is NASA, ESA, the Russian and Chinese space programs


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