Lili R

28 Desember 2021 07:33

Lili R

28 Desember 2021 07:33


Pros and cons of Abortion Do you agree with abortion? When someone asks this to the people, there may be many “yes” and equal number of “no”, voicing their opinion over this. Abortion has always been a debatable subject amongst the masses as people have their own arguments regarding it. For those who are for, they think that sometimes life can be really harsh on us. In some cases, medical emergencies make a woman resort to this action because there is a possibility to be at risk, if she delivers the child. In some other cases, some of the rape victims can be minors. They won’t be mentally or physically prepared to have the newborn baby. Giving life to such an unwanted child may cause troubles for both mother and the child. After all, abortion implies denying someone a well-deserved life. Just because the odds are not in our favor, can we deprive someone the chance to live? Besides, having an abortion done also carries the risk of not being able to become pregnant ever again in life. Abortion can also lead to serious health complications or even a death. Whether you agree or not, abortion will always happen in our society. While for one, having a forced child can be a highly miserable experience, to the other, abortion can be a highly miserable experience. What does the text tell you about? A. The opinion of agreeing abortion B. The ideas who dissent abortion C. The pro and contra of doing abortion D. The phenomenon of abortion as social problem E. The reasons abortion phenomenon still occurs among us

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K. Melarillis

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

03 Januari 2022 10:53

Jawaban terverifikasi

Halo Lili! Jawaban yang benar adalah "C. The pro and contra of doing abortion." Soal ini meminta kita untuk mencari informasi yang dijelaskan pada teks. Jenis teks tersebut adalah discussion text yang bertujuan untuk menyampaikan informasi dan opini terhadap permasalah atau isu yang ada. Struktur dari discussion text adalah: - Issue - Arguments/ pros-cons - Conclusion Judul dari teks tersebut adalah "Pros and cons of Abortion" atau "Pro dan kontra dari aborsi". Maka, dapat kita simpulkan bahwa secara menyeluruh teks tersebut membahas tentang pro dan kontra dari aborsi. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang benar adalah "C. The pro and contra of doing abortion." Semoga membantu yaaa.

Sela M

09 November 2023 01:40

What is the sosial pir purpose of the text about

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