Khoerun N

31 Juli 2024 05:52


Khoerun N

31 Juli 2024 05:52


PESTA ULANG TAHUN Stevany: apa kalian mau datang ke pesta ulang tahun ku Chintya: kapan? Stevany : Sabtu besok jam 7 malam Neza: pasti kami akan datang Nisa: apa kau menginginkan hadiah Stevany: tidak terimakasih Chintya : apa kalian akan memberikan hadiah kepada stevany Rani : bukankah dia tidak menginginkannya Nisa : sebagai teman yang baik seharusnya kita memberikan hadiah kepada stevany Neza: benar apa kata nisa, walau hadiah itu tidak seberapa Chintya: bagaimana kalau kita patungan saja Rani : ya aku setuju Nisa : bagaimana kalau kita belikan sepatu olahraga Neza: ide bagus, raffa kan suka berolahraga Chintya: bagaimana kalau kita titip belikan kakaku yang sedang berada dikota Rani : ya boleh, nanti uang patungannya dikumpulkan di chintya ya 4 teman stevany : selamat ulang tahun stevany Chintya : semoga panjang umur ya Nisa: iya semoga apa yang disemogakan tercapai Neza:ini ada hadiah dari kami berempat Stevany: terimakasih banyak kawan, aku sangat menyukainya Rani: itu tidak seberapa Stevany : kalian yang terbaik, silahkan menikmati pesta ulang tahun ku. minta tolong translate kan

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Jawaban terverifikasi


Liviyan D

31 Juli 2024 07:50

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>Stevany: do you guys want to come to my birthday party</p><p>Chintya: when?</p><p>Stevany: next Saturday at 7 pm</p><p>Neza: we will come, sure</p><p>Nisa: do you want a gift&nbsp;</p><p>Stevany: no thank you</p><p>Chintya: &nbsp;are you guys going to</p><p>give a gift to stevany</p><p>Rani: doesn't she not want it</p><p>Nisa: as good friends we should give a gift to stevany</p><p>Neza: what nisa said is true, even though the gift is not much</p><p>Chintya: how about we chip in Rani yes I agree</p><p>Nisa: how about we buy sports shoes</p><p>Neza: good idea, raffa likes to exercise</p><p>Chintya: how about we ask my brother who</p><p>is in town to buy it Rani yes okay, later the money will be collected at chintya's</p><p>4 friends of stevany: happy birthday stevany</p><p>Chintya: may you have a long life</p><p>Nisa: yes, may what you hope for come true</p><p>Neza: here is a gift from the four of us</p><p>Stevany: thank you very much friend, I really &nbsp;love it</p><p>Rani: it's nothing</p><p>Stevany: you guys are the best, please enjoy my birthday party.</p>

Stevany: do you guys want to come to my birthday party

Chintya: when?

Stevany: next Saturday at 7 pm

Neza: we will come, sure

Nisa: do you want a gift 

Stevany: no thank you

Chintya:  are you guys going to

give a gift to stevany

Rani: doesn't she not want it

Nisa: as good friends we should give a gift to stevany

Neza: what nisa said is true, even though the gift is not much

Chintya: how about we chip in Rani yes I agree

Nisa: how about we buy sports shoes

Neza: good idea, raffa likes to exercise

Chintya: how about we ask my brother who

is in town to buy it Rani yes okay, later the money will be collected at chintya's

4 friends of stevany: happy birthday stevany

Chintya: may you have a long life

Nisa: yes, may what you hope for come true

Neza: here is a gift from the four of us

Stevany: thank you very much friend, I really  love it

Rani: it's nothing

Stevany: you guys are the best, please enjoy my birthday party.

Khoerun N

06 Agustus 2024 03:03

terimakasih kak


Nanda R


31 Juli 2024 21:14

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>BIRTHDAY PARTY</strong></p><p>Stevany: Do you all want to come to my birthday party?</p><p>Chintya: When?</p><p>Stevany: Next Saturday at 7 PM.</p><p>Neza: We will definitely come!</p><p>Nisa: Do you want a gift?</p><p>Stevany: No, thank you.</p><p>Chintya: Are you all going to give a gift to Stevany?</p><p>Rani: Didn't she say she doesn't want one?</p><p>Nisa: As good friends, we should give a gift to Stevany.</p><p>Neza: Nisa is right, even if it's just a small gift.</p><p>Chintya: How about we all chip in?</p><p>Rani: Yes, I agree.</p><p>Nisa: How about we buy her sports shoes?</p><p>Neza: Good idea, Stevany likes to exercise.</p><p>Chintya: How about we ask my brother, who is in the city, to buy them?</p><p>Rani: Yes, that's fine. We can give the money to Chintya to handle it.</p><p>Stevany’s four friends: Happy birthday, Stevany!</p><p>Chintya: Wishing you a long life!</p><p>Nisa: Yes, may all your wishes come true.</p><p>Neza: Here’s a gift from the four of us.</p><p>Stevany: Thank you so much, friends. I really like it.</p><p>Rani: It's nothing much.</p><p>Stevany: You are the best. Please enjoy my birthday party.</p>



Stevany: Do you all want to come to my birthday party?

Chintya: When?

Stevany: Next Saturday at 7 PM.

Neza: We will definitely come!

Nisa: Do you want a gift?

Stevany: No, thank you.

Chintya: Are you all going to give a gift to Stevany?

Rani: Didn't she say she doesn't want one?

Nisa: As good friends, we should give a gift to Stevany.

Neza: Nisa is right, even if it's just a small gift.

Chintya: How about we all chip in?

Rani: Yes, I agree.

Nisa: How about we buy her sports shoes?

Neza: Good idea, Stevany likes to exercise.

Chintya: How about we ask my brother, who is in the city, to buy them?

Rani: Yes, that's fine. We can give the money to Chintya to handle it.

Stevany’s four friends: Happy birthday, Stevany!

Chintya: Wishing you a long life!

Nisa: Yes, may all your wishes come true.

Neza: Here’s a gift from the four of us.

Stevany: Thank you so much, friends. I really like it.

Rani: It's nothing much.

Stevany: You are the best. Please enjoy my birthday party.

Khoerun N

06 Agustus 2024 03:04

terimakasih kak

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