Kamu K

07 November 2021 08:06



Kamu K

07 November 2021 08:06


Nadia : Hello my name is Nadia Welcome to our university Alicia : Iam Alicia Nadia : Nice to meet you Alicia : Nice to meet you too Nadia : Where are you from Alicia Alicia : I am from Nicaragua how about you? Nadia : I'm from France Alicia : Is this your first time in London Nadia : No I have been living in London for about three years now Alicia : I seehave you been studying here for all that time? Nadia : Yes, this is my third year here, I have got one more year to go Alicia : What are you studying? Nadia : I'm studying English Literature I want to be a linguist How about you? Alicia : Sounds cool I want to be a school teacher. Nadia : That's great! Alicia : I have always wanted to study abroad, so I came to London, Nadia : Nice! Yeah I love it here, I am actually planning to live here even after I graduate Alicia : Perfect, you are already from Europe, so it shouldn't be that difficult for you. Nadia : Yeah, I will just need to convince my parents, what about you? Alicia : I love London, but I am just here for school, I will need to go back once. I graduate anyway Nadia : I see, well, good luck to you, I have to go to class now, it was nice talking with you. Questions 4. Mention her dreams!



Jawaban terverifikasi



H. R.

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

09 November 2021 02:09

Jawaban terverifikasi

Hai Kamu, kakak bantu jawab ya. Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah "She wants to be a linguist " (Dia ingin menjadi seorang ahli bahasa). Dalam soal ini kita diminta untuk menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan apa yang ada dalam percakapan tersebut. Pertanyaan nomor 4, "Mention her dreams!" (Sebutkan cita-citanya!). Pertanyaan ini ditujukan untuk Nadia. Karena dari soal nomor 1 hingga 3 semua pertanyaan berfokus kepada Nadia. Jawaban dapat kita peroleh dari penggalan percakapan berikut : Alicia : What are you studying? (Apa yang kamu pelajari?) Nadia : I'm studying English Literature I want to be a linguist How about you? (Aku belajar Sastra Inggris. Aku ingin menjadi ahli bahasa. Bagaimana denganmu? Dari penggalan percakapan tersebut dapat kita ketahui bahwa Nadia bercita-cita ingin menjadi seorang ahli bahasa. Jadi, jawabannya "She wants to be a linguist " (Dia ingin menjadi seorang ahli bahasa). Semoga membantu ya.




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