Fransisca C

20 September 2024 10:20


Fransisca C

20 September 2024 10:20


Let’s Make the City Clean And Fresh A clean and fresh a city will surely make the inhabitants healthily. Every morning especially in dry season, all roads must be watered with clean water swept by the workers of regional government under the mayor’s instruction. To protect people from heavy pollution caused by cars, trucks and motorcycles enough trees must be planted along the roads. Every building or houses in the city must be surrounded by short and small trees which bear colorful flowers. Carilah pada teks 20 kosa kata

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Jawaban terverifikasi


Oni E

21 September 2024 03:50

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>Berikut adalah 20 kosa kata dari teks beserta terjemahannya:</p><p>1. City - Kota<br>2. Clean - Bersih<br>3. Fresh - Segar<br>4. Inhabitants - Penduduk<br>5. Healthy - Sehat<br>6. Morning - Pagi<br>7. Dry season - Musim kering<br>8. Roads - Jalan<br>9. Watered - Disiram<br>10. Clean water - Air bersih<br>11. Swept - Disapu<br>12. Workers - Pekerja<br>13. Government - Pemerintah<br>14. Mayor - Walikota<br>15. Protect - Melindungi<br>16. Pollution - Polusi<br>17. Cars - Mobil<br>18. Trees - Pohon<br>19. Planted - Ditanam<br>20. Flowers - Bunga</p>

Berikut adalah 20 kosa kata dari teks beserta terjemahannya:

1. City - Kota
2. Clean - Bersih
3. Fresh - Segar
4. Inhabitants - Penduduk
5. Healthy - Sehat
6. Morning - Pagi
7. Dry season - Musim kering
8. Roads - Jalan
9. Watered - Disiram
10. Clean water - Air bersih
11. Swept - Disapu
12. Workers - Pekerja
13. Government - Pemerintah
14. Mayor - Walikota
15. Protect - Melindungi
16. Pollution - Polusi
17. Cars - Mobil
18. Trees - Pohon
19. Planted - Ditanam
20. Flowers - Bunga


Daniel N

22 September 2024 06:21

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>I Hope it's can useful for you Fransisca C^^</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h2>20 Vocabulary from the Text "Let's Make the City Clean and Fresh"</h2><ol><li><strong>Inhabitants:</strong> People who live in a particular place.</li><li><strong>Dry season:</strong> A period of the year with little or no rainfall.</li><li><strong>Watered:</strong> To pour water onto something.</li><li><strong>Swept:</strong> To clear something of dirt or debris with a broom.</li><li><strong>Regional government:</strong> A government that administers a specific region or area.</li><li><strong>Mayor:</strong> The chief executive officer of a city.</li><li><strong>Pollution:</strong> The presence or release of harmful substances into the environment.</li><li><strong>Heavy pollution:</strong> A high level of pollution.</li><li><strong>Enough trees:</strong> A sufficient number of trees.</li><li><strong>Planted:</strong> To put seeds or seedlings into the ground to grow.</li><li><strong>Along the roads:</strong> On the sides of the roads.</li><li><strong>Every building or houses:</strong> All buildings and houses.</li><li><strong>Surrounded by:</strong> Enclosed or encircled by something.</li><li><strong>Short and small trees:</strong> Trees that are not tall and have a small size.</li><li><strong>Bear colorful flowers:</strong> Produce flowers of various colors.</li><li><strong>Clean:</strong> Free from dirt, grime, or other impurities.</li><li><strong>Fresh:</strong> New, recent, or not stale.</li><li><strong>Healthily:</strong> In a healthy manner.</li><li><strong>Every morning:</strong> Each day at the beginning of the day.</li><li><strong>Especially:</strong> Particularly or specifically.</li></ol><p><br>&nbsp;</p>

I Hope it's can useful for you Fransisca C^^


20 Vocabulary from the Text "Let's Make the City Clean and Fresh"

  1. Inhabitants: People who live in a particular place.
  2. Dry season: A period of the year with little or no rainfall.
  3. Watered: To pour water onto something.
  4. Swept: To clear something of dirt or debris with a broom.
  5. Regional government: A government that administers a specific region or area.
  6. Mayor: The chief executive officer of a city.
  7. Pollution: The presence or release of harmful substances into the environment.
  8. Heavy pollution: A high level of pollution.
  9. Enough trees: A sufficient number of trees.
  10. Planted: To put seeds or seedlings into the ground to grow.
  11. Along the roads: On the sides of the roads.
  12. Every building or houses: All buildings and houses.
  13. Surrounded by: Enclosed or encircled by something.
  14. Short and small trees: Trees that are not tall and have a small size.
  15. Bear colorful flowers: Produce flowers of various colors.
  16. Clean: Free from dirt, grime, or other impurities.
  17. Fresh: New, recent, or not stale.
  18. Healthily: In a healthy manner.
  19. Every morning: Each day at the beginning of the day.
  20. Especially: Particularly or specifically.


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