Irhamduwila I

11 Oktober 2024 08:00


Irhamduwila I

11 Oktober 2024 08:00


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Jawaban terverifikasi


Rendi R


16 Oktober 2024 23:15

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>Berikut adalah jawaban dari latihan pada lembar kerja yang kamu unggah:</p><p>Simple Present</p><p><strong>Active Voice</strong>: Mr. John deposits some money in the bank.<br><strong>Passive Voice</strong>: Some money is deposited by Mr. John in the bank.</p><p><strong>Active Voice</strong>: The account number is received by me.<br><strong>Passive Voice</strong>: I receive the account number.</p><p><strong>Active Voice</strong>: The customers fill the deposit slip.<br><strong>Passive Voice</strong>: The deposit slip is filled by the customers.</p><p><strong>Active Voice</strong>: Sally drives the car every morning.<br><strong>Passive Voice</strong>: The car is driven by Sally every morning.</p><p>Simple Past</p><p><strong>Active Voice</strong>: Mr. Anton repaired the ATM machine immediately.<br><strong>Passive Voice</strong>: The ATM machine was repaired by Mr. Anton immediately.</p><p><strong>Active Voice</strong>: The director called the bank tellers some minutes ago.<br><strong>Passive Voice</strong>: The bank tellers were called by the director some minutes ago.</p><p><strong>Active Voice</strong>: The passbook was printed by the teller.<br><strong>Passive Voice</strong>: The teller printed the passbook.</p><p>Semoga ini membantu! Jika ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut, jangan ragu untuk bertanya.</p>

Berikut adalah jawaban dari latihan pada lembar kerja yang kamu unggah:

Simple Present

Active Voice: Mr. John deposits some money in the bank.
Passive Voice: Some money is deposited by Mr. John in the bank.

Active Voice: The account number is received by me.
Passive Voice: I receive the account number.

Active Voice: The customers fill the deposit slip.
Passive Voice: The deposit slip is filled by the customers.

Active Voice: Sally drives the car every morning.
Passive Voice: The car is driven by Sally every morning.

Simple Past

Active Voice: Mr. Anton repaired the ATM machine immediately.
Passive Voice: The ATM machine was repaired by Mr. Anton immediately.

Active Voice: The director called the bank tellers some minutes ago.
Passive Voice: The bank tellers were called by the director some minutes ago.

Active Voice: The passbook was printed by the teller.
Passive Voice: The teller printed the passbook.

Semoga ini membantu! Jika ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut, jangan ragu untuk bertanya.


Y. Widyaningsih

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Surabaya

11 Oktober 2024 13:27

Jawaban terverifikasi

Jawaban: 1. Some money is deposited by Mr. John in the bank. Kamu diminta mengubah kalimat aktif Simple Present Tense ini ke bentuk kalimat pasif. Pola kata kerja yang digunakan adalah: To be (is / am/ are) + Verb 3 - Kalimat aktif: "Mr. John deposits some money in the bank." - Kalimat pasif: "Some money is deposited by Mr. John in the bank." Penjelasan: ▪︎ Mengubah posisi S dan O: Dalam kalimat pasif, objek menjadi subjek. Jadi, 'some money' di depan, sedangkan 'Mr. John' menjadi agen yang diperkenalkan dengan kata 'by'. ▪︎Mengubah kata kerja: Kata kerja 'deposits' diubah menjadi bentuk pasif 'is deposited' dengan menambahkan 'to be' (is) karena 'money' adalah kata benda tunggal, dan menggunakan Verb 3 (deposited). Jadi, jawaban benar untuk no. 1 adalah "Some money is deposited by Mr. John in the bank." Untuk nomor selanjutnya, silahkan upload kembali soal kamu dan tulis nomor berapa yang mau dibahas ya.

Haifa V

07 November 2024 13:30

<p><i><strong><u>SIMPLE PRESENT</u></strong></i></p><p>For the <strong>Active Voice </strong>number 2, the answer is : I receive the account number.</p><p>For the <strong>Passive Voice </strong>number 1, the answer is : Money in the bank is deposited by Mr.John.</p><p>For the <strong>Passive Voice</strong> number 3, the answer is : The deposit slip is filled by the costumers.</p><p>For the <strong>Passive Voice</strong> number 4, the answer is : The car is driven by Sally every morning.</p><p><i><strong><u>SIMPLE PAST</u></strong></i></p><p>For the <strong>Active Voice</strong> number 3, the answer is : The teller printed the passbook.</p><p>For the <strong>Passive Voice</strong> number 1, tha answer is : The ATM machine was repaired by Mr.John immediatelly.</p><p>For the <strong>Passive Voice</strong> number 2, the answer is : The bank tellers was called by the director some minutes ago.</p>


For the Active Voice number 2, the answer is : I receive the account number.

For the Passive Voice number 1, the answer is : Money in the bank is deposited by Mr.John.

For the Passive Voice number 3, the answer is : The deposit slip is filled by the costumers.

For the Passive Voice number 4, the answer is : The car is driven by Sally every morning.


For the Active Voice number 3, the answer is : The teller printed the passbook.

For the Passive Voice number 1, tha answer is : The ATM machine was repaired by Mr.John immediatelly.

For the Passive Voice number 2, the answer is : The bank tellers was called by the director some minutes ago.

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Jawaban terverifikasi