Acha A

22 Oktober 2024 11:29


Acha A

22 Oktober 2024 11:29


kelehmu, dinuhh (nama orang) artinya apa pls, b dayak kalo ga salah

kelehmu, dinuhh (nama orang)


artinya apa pls, b dayak kalo ga salah 

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Sarah A

25 Oktober 2024 03:54

<p>Izin menjawab ya</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Kelehmu dinuh artinya semoga dapat</p>

Izin menjawab ya


Kelehmu dinuh artinya semoga dapat

Acha A

25 Oktober 2024 14:04

hoo okei masuk akal sekarang, makasii


Rendi R


25 November 2024 14:37

<p>The phrase <strong>"kelehmu, dinuhh"</strong> in <strong>Dayak</strong> (a group of indigenous ethnic groups in Borneo, mostly in Indonesia and Malaysia) roughly translates to <strong>"you are foolish"</strong> or <strong>"you're silly"</strong>. It is often used in a playful or lighthearted context, though it can also carry a negative tone depending on the situation.</p><ul><li><strong>Kelehmu</strong>: Can mean "silly" or "foolish."</li><li><strong>Dinuhh</strong>: A form of address, similar to "you."</li></ul><p>The Dayak language consists of many different dialects, so the exact meaning and tone can vary across different Dayak communities. If you encounter this phrase in a specific context or region, the tone or interpretation could shift slightly.</p>

The phrase "kelehmu, dinuhh" in Dayak (a group of indigenous ethnic groups in Borneo, mostly in Indonesia and Malaysia) roughly translates to "you are foolish" or "you're silly". It is often used in a playful or lighthearted context, though it can also carry a negative tone depending on the situation.

  • Kelehmu: Can mean "silly" or "foolish."
  • Dinuhh: A form of address, similar to "you."

The Dayak language consists of many different dialects, so the exact meaning and tone can vary across different Dayak communities. If you encounter this phrase in a specific context or region, the tone or interpretation could shift slightly.

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