26 Mei 2024 23:33




26 Mei 2024 23:33


I. Find 9 adverbs of manner in the sentences. Scavenger hunt Maria did her performance well on the stage. She danced Jaipongan beautifully. She moved her hands gracefully. Everyone cheered happily to see her dance. Her dance teacher watched her at the back attentively. She was afraid that Maria would make a mistake. She knew that Maria just recovered from an arm accident. Unfortunately, that stopped Maria from practicing for a little while.





Elia P

27 Mei 2024 15:33

1.well on the stage 2.beautifully 3.gracefully 4.happily 5.attentively 6.afraid 7.accident 8.unfortunately. kalau salah minta maaf yaa๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™



Suci A

31 Mei 2024 08:54

Here are the nine adverbs of manner in the sentences: 1. well 2. beautifully 3. gracefully 4. happily 5. attentively 6. afraid 7. unfortunately 8. recovered 9. practicing

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It's been almost 4 months since he admitted to the hospital due to fainting, injured in a hit-and-run and experiencing a coma. It appears that there is a good samaritan or a fans coming here to support and can write down their childhood memories... That the strange happened from that day. Then, the fraternal teenagers Kai and Noelle search for the Harper family decided to stayed at the hospital and take care of all three of them for a teenage girl who was not alone then her 15-year-old brother and her second 17-year-old brother lying down because of the accident at 18. 50 (which is near night) Kai was tell him about everything. While noelle tried to answer something However, unfortunately it happened, as she saw a message said " It seems like all of your siblings have liked your song since you started liking pop music, jazz music, and orchestral music if I'm not mistaken. " As she see. She will can understand before her brother regained consciousness at the end of July 2022. What time do Kai and Noelle stay overnight in the hospital? A. 18. 50 B. 21. 15



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The video is the story of her younger brother life who sadly in a coma after got an accident. Shortly years later he went in a coma after he got injured from the accident. Like he was injured because he just survived and was hit by the heavy rain, maybe he could have avoided the vehicle's tires. After his older brother saw his younger brother in a coma until the doctor told him he could only survive until the end of July. When he never have a declaired brain dead because of that he can survived before his other sibling visited him. On July 19, 2022 according to his other siblings said that this boy who also loved her and loved him. Until that day he comfort her and his other siblings cried after he woke up from the coma. He apologized to her because he already left her and his other siblings. Sometime he tells her because of the same happened to him. All other siblings to become as a pop singer and dance from the group of star of melody. The other siblings also become as a youtube vlog since 2019. If he and other brothers love her some other fans of star of melody have returned from the end of 2022. Because the others one loves as a kpop boys. They watched from the live stage since August 28th 2022. They want to just like the kpop boyband. As long as they can easily get money from the application to pay for all their father's money problems. What is the name of the new group from to the replacement retro games? A. Star of melody B. Shine from the star



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