Wulan N

04 September 2024 01:26


Wulan N

04 September 2024 01:26


Halo ka,boleh tolong koreksi ga jawaban aku udah bener atau blm

Halo ka,boleh tolong koreksi ga jawaban aku udah bener atau blm


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Jawaban terverifikasi


Ledy A

05 September 2024 03:05

Jawaban terverifikasi




Rendi R


07 Oktober 2024 00:01

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>Saya akan membantu mengoreksi jawaban Anda berdasarkan gambar yang Anda unggah.</p><p>Bagian 1: Jumbled Word Sentences</p><p><strong>Jumbled Sentence:</strong></p><ul><li>"Tony - his - room - will not - unless - clean - tells him - to - his mother"<br><strong>Jawaban:</strong></li><li>Tony will not clean his room unless his mother tells him to.<br><strong>Koreksi:</strong> Benar.</li></ul><p><strong>Jumbled Sentence:</strong></p><ul><li>"Unless - really - something - it is - urgent - about - Mr. Heinz - will not - see - today - anybody"<br><strong>Jawaban:</strong></li><li>Unless it is really urgent about something, Mr. Heinz will not see anybody today.<br><strong>Koreksi:</strong> Benar.</li></ul><p><strong>Jumbled Sentence:</strong></p><ul><li>"You - go - anywhere - can't - your father - you - give - unless - permission"<br><strong>Jawaban:</strong></li><li>You can't go anywhere unless your father gives you permission.<br><strong>Koreksi:</strong> Benar.</li></ul><p><strong>Jumbled Sentence:</strong></p><ul><li>"The - will - office - open - unless - holiday - is - a - it"<br><strong>Jawaban:</strong></li><li>The office will open unless it is a holiday.<br><strong>Koreksi:</strong> Benar.</li></ul><p><strong>Jumbled Sentence:</strong></p><ul><li>"Unless - stop - interrupting - you - her - Mrs. Schmidt - will not be - to - finish - able - her story"<br><strong>Jawaban:</strong></li><li>Unless you stop interrupting her, Mrs. Schmidt will not be able to finish her story.<br><strong>Koreksi:</strong> Benar.</li></ul><p>Bagian 2: Combine Good and Bad Sides Using Conjunctive Adverbs</p><p><strong>Nevertheless:</strong><br><strong>Jawaban:</strong></p><ul><li>With the help of mobile technology, we are able to talk to our friends and relatives who are living far from us. Nevertheless, it raises another problem that is insensitivity towards our surroundings.<br><strong>Koreksi:</strong> Benar.</li></ul><p><strong>Even if:</strong><br><strong>Jawaban:</strong></p><ul><li>Home schooling creates a flexible schedule, even if it does not give opportunities to develop social skills.<br><strong>Koreksi:</strong> Benar.</li></ul><p><strong>In contrast to:</strong><br><strong>Jawaban:</strong></p><ul><li>With the help of aviation technology, we are able to reach distant places within hours. In contrast to this, it creates serious environmental threats such as air pollution and noise pollution.<br><strong>Koreksi:</strong> Benar. (Anda sudah benar, tetapi saya menambahkan kata "this" untuk membuat transisinya lebih halus).</li></ul><p>Saran Perbaikan:</p><ul><li>Di kalimat ketiga, setelah "in contrast to," Anda bisa menambahkan "this" untuk memperjelas perbandingan, misalnya: "In contrast to <strong>this</strong>, it creates serious environmental threats."</li></ul><p>Secara keseluruhan, jawaban Anda sudah sangat baik! Semua kalimat tersusun dengan benar dan sesuai dengan aturan grammar yang tepat. Teruskan pekerjaan yang bagus ini!</p>

Saya akan membantu mengoreksi jawaban Anda berdasarkan gambar yang Anda unggah.

Bagian 1: Jumbled Word Sentences

Jumbled Sentence:

  • "Tony - his - room - will not - unless - clean - tells him - to - his mother"
  • Tony will not clean his room unless his mother tells him to.
    Koreksi: Benar.

Jumbled Sentence:

  • "Unless - really - something - it is - urgent - about - Mr. Heinz - will not - see - today - anybody"
  • Unless it is really urgent about something, Mr. Heinz will not see anybody today.
    Koreksi: Benar.

Jumbled Sentence:

  • "You - go - anywhere - can't - your father - you - give - unless - permission"
  • You can't go anywhere unless your father gives you permission.
    Koreksi: Benar.

Jumbled Sentence:

  • "The - will - office - open - unless - holiday - is - a - it"
  • The office will open unless it is a holiday.
    Koreksi: Benar.

Jumbled Sentence:

  • "Unless - stop - interrupting - you - her - Mrs. Schmidt - will not be - to - finish - able - her story"
  • Unless you stop interrupting her, Mrs. Schmidt will not be able to finish her story.
    Koreksi: Benar.

Bagian 2: Combine Good and Bad Sides Using Conjunctive Adverbs


  • With the help of mobile technology, we are able to talk to our friends and relatives who are living far from us. Nevertheless, it raises another problem that is insensitivity towards our surroundings.
    Koreksi: Benar.

Even if:

  • Home schooling creates a flexible schedule, even if it does not give opportunities to develop social skills.
    Koreksi: Benar.

In contrast to:

  • With the help of aviation technology, we are able to reach distant places within hours. In contrast to this, it creates serious environmental threats such as air pollution and noise pollution.
    Koreksi: Benar. (Anda sudah benar, tetapi saya menambahkan kata "this" untuk membuat transisinya lebih halus).

Saran Perbaikan:

  • Di kalimat ketiga, setelah "in contrast to," Anda bisa menambahkan "this" untuk memperjelas perbandingan, misalnya: "In contrast to this, it creates serious environmental threats."

Secara keseluruhan, jawaban Anda sudah sangat baik! Semua kalimat tersusun dengan benar dan sesuai dengan aturan grammar yang tepat. Teruskan pekerjaan yang bagus ini!

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Jawaban terverifikasi

Tentukan mana yang merupakan struktur abstraksi,orientasi,krisis,reaksi,dan koda Teks 1 Racun Serangga Alkisah hiduplah sepasang suami istri dengan dua orang anaknya. Setiap pagi kedua anak tersebut pergi berkebun untuk membantu orang tuanya. Namun, tiba-tiba mereka berdua pulang ke rumah dengan tergesa-gesa. Kakak: "Bu, Ibu tolong bu, gawat ini adik menelan kecoa!" Ibu: "Astaga, kok bisa sih kak? Gimana ceritanya? Ayo cepat panggil Bapak suruh bawa dokter ke sini!" Kakak: "Jangan bu, malah tambah gawat nanti. Sebentar lagi kecoanya juga mati." Ibu: "Lho, kok bisa gitu kak?" Kakak: "Iya bu, soalnya adik sudah aku kasih racun serangga bu. Di botolnya kan ada tulisan "dapat membunuh serangga ekstra cepat." Ibu: "Astagfirullah, sembrono kamu!" Kakak: (bingung) Ibu: "Pak, Bapak anak kita makan kecoa." (sambil berlari mencari suaminya). Kakak: (masih tetap bingung) ------------------------------- Teks 2 Tukang roti Pada Pagi hari Azril duduk di teras rumahnya sembari menunggu tukang roti yang biasa lewat. Begitu tukang roti lewat Azril lantas memanggil sang penjual. Azril: "Beli rotinya, Pak." Tukang Roti: "Boleh silahkan mau roti yang mana." Azril: "Ini apa, Pak?" Tukang Roti: "Ini semangka." Azril: "Kalau yang ini apa?" Tukang Roti: "Srikaya." Azril: "Terus ini apa, Bang?" Tukang Roti: "Oh...kalau ini blueberry, dek." Azril: "Gimana sih, terus rotinya mana? Saya mau beli roti bukan buah, kok daritadi yang disebut buah-buahan aja. Gak jadi beli deh saya kalau gini." Tukang Roti: "Yang saya sebut tuh rasa rotinya!" Azril: "Gak jadi, deh!"



Jawaban terverifikasi