Junna J

18 Maret 2024 07:15



Junna J

18 Maret 2024 07:15


Flashback story: He is the second youngest sibling with him as the youngest one like his sister and his brother. Sometimes he is the same age as the two of them. Because he has a calm and very kind attitude However, he was an orphan who lost his parents, then he was adopted and raised with his siblings. Until the moment he was diagnosed with heart arryhytmia after that he recovered from his illness in April, 30th 2019. What date did he recover? A. April, 30th 2019 B. April, 12th 2015

Flashback story: 


He is the second youngest sibling with him as the youngest one like his sister and his brother. Sometimes he is the same age as the two of them. 


Because he has a calm and very kind attitude However, he was an orphan who lost his parents, then he was adopted and raised with his siblings. 


Until the moment he was diagnosed with heart arryhytmia after that he recovered from his illness in April, 30th 2019.



What date did he recover? 

A. April, 30th 2019

B. April, 12th 2015



Jawaban terverifikasi



Astrophile A

19 Maret 2024 20:59

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>Jawaban yang tepat adalah: A. April, 30th 2019</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Jawaban diperoleh dari:<br>"Until the moment he was diagnosed with heart arryhytmia after that he recovered from his illness in April, 30th 2019."</p>

Jawaban yang tepat adalah: A. April, 30th 2019


Jawaban diperoleh dari:
"Until the moment he was diagnosed with heart arryhytmia after that he recovered from his illness in April, 30th 2019."



Salsabila M


31 Maret 2024 04:04

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>Dalam cerita kilas balik yang diberikan, disebutkan bahwa karakter tersebut pulih dari penyakitnya pada tanggal 30 April 2019. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang benar adalah:</p><p>A. April, 30th 2019</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><br>&nbsp;</p>

Dalam cerita kilas balik yang diberikan, disebutkan bahwa karakter tersebut pulih dari penyakitnya pada tanggal 30 April 2019. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang benar adalah:

A. April, 30th 2019






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Pertanyaan serupa

Days ago before happened Addison was raised by Zayden after Addison graduated from junior high school in 2015. In July 2016 Addison allowed her as a extraordinary educated after she graduate. She became a senior student from a high school she became a 10th grade high school. Some faculty also realized about her life she met someone else who loved her. Her experience at school is not too poor and she was met with her 2 bullies due to the planned unpleasant event. The two girls want to reprimand her for Addison's good person. After hearing all their reprimands, Addison did not scold them but was upset for being reprimanded for rough actions. But the 2 girls admitted their mistake and apologized for reprimanding her carelessly until one day Addison and all of Addison's friends reported the 2 girls who reprimanded her to the guidance counselor. finally the two girls decided to move schools and in another place Addison met her friend, a girl named Shannon Harper At first, the girl's friend was not tense, humble, cheerful, and friendly, sometimes she was just loved by Harper's siblings from the future's life. She started accept with the friendship period before she graduate from high school before May 2019. What year did Addison become a high school student? A. 2016 B. 2019



Jawaban terverifikasi