Martha G
14 Januari 2025 11:11
Martha G
14 Januari 2025 11:11
End of life of family happiness:
On May 1, 2007, the family celebrate their eldest daughter 3rd birthday, when Ophelia accidentally brings up the first time of years her son and her daughter.Instantly after that her husband antonio was kidnapped and became to multiple times by his husband ex wife Lisa, who wished to use Xavier and Blake as a ordinary for her late two children and late husband. Lisa locked Antonio in a bedroom and and disguised as a his first wife Ophelia, takes his place in an attempt to Xavier & Blake from Ophelia.
What date does the family celebrate the birthday of their 3-year-old eldest daughter?
A. April 4, 2001
B. May 1, 2007
D. Islami
Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
16 Januari 2025 12:41
Jawaban :
B. May 1, 2007
Penjelasan :
Seperti yang sudah disebutkan pada kalimat pertama dalam paragraph tersebut, "On May 1, 2007, the family celebrate their eldest daughter's 3rd birthday."
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Nindya S
20 Januari 2025 00:34
B. May 1, 2007
"on May 1, 2007, the family celebrate their eldest daughter 3rd birthday"
[mei 1,2007, keluarga itu merayakan ulang tahun putri tertua mereka yang ketiga]
jadi jawaban yang benar adalah B, karena sesuai dengan teks bacaan
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Jonathan A
20 Januari 2025 12:01
B. May 1. 2007
· 0.0 (0)
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