Thoriq K

19 Agustus 2023 08:30

Thoriq K

19 Agustus 2023 08:30


Dio: I want to reduce the fabric waste that can harm our environment. Besides, I also want to have extra money by selling my patchwork creation. Bela: That's good. You have skills in sewing and you use them optimally. I'm proud of you. Dio: Thank you. You can also do that if you want to. Bela: Yes, I'd love to, but I don't have a good sewing skill. Dio: Don't worry. I can teach you. Bela Are you sure? Dio: As long as you have willingness to reach your dream, I believe everything is possible. Bela: Oh, thank you, Dio. Please teach me when you've finished your job. Dio : All right. Dialog 2 Ratri : Where are you going, Mom? Mrs. lin: To the bakery Ratri : May I go with you, Mom? Mrs. lin: Sure. What are you going to buy? Ratri :I am going to buy a tart. May I? Tomorrow is Anita's birthday. My friends and I are going to give her a surprise with a tart. Ratri Not yet, Mom. Mrs. lin: Well, I think you should order first, then collect it this afternoon. Ratri : I see. Thanks, Mom Statements: Dialog 1 1. Dio earns money by___________. 2. Dio is going to_____________ after he has finished all of his work. 3. Dio wants to reduce the fabric waste because________________. 4. Bela should have____________ if she wants to make patchwork. 5. Bela is____________of Dio because he can optimally use his skills. Dialog 2 1. Mrs. lin will go to_______________. 2. Ratri intends to go with her mother, to buy.__________. 3. Ratri and her friends are going to give Anita____________on her birthday. 4. According to the dialog. Ratri's mother suggests she__________. 5. After the dialog, Ratri will___________________. TOLONG DI JAWAB DENGAN BENAR

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Jawaban terverifikasi

Rendi R


19 Agustus 2023 11:33

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>bantu jwb kk</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Dialog 1</strong></p><ol><li>Dio earns money by <strong>selling his patchwork creations</strong>.</li><li>Dio is going to <strong>take a break</strong> after he has finished all of his work.</li><li>Dio wants to reduce the fabric waste because it is <strong>harmful to the environment</strong>.</li><li>Bela should have <strong>good sewing skills</strong> if she wants to make patchwork.</li><li>Bela is <strong>proud</strong> of Dio because he can optimally use his skills.</li></ol><p><strong>Dialog 2</strong></p><ol><li>Mrs. Lin will go to <strong>the bakery</strong>.</li><li>Ratri intends to go with her mother, to buy <strong>a tart</strong>.</li><li>Ratri and her friends are going to give Anita <strong>a tart</strong> on her birthday.</li><li>According to the dialog, Ratri's mother suggests she <strong>orders the tart first</strong>.</li><li>After the dialog, Ratri will <strong>go home</strong>.</li></ol>

bantu jwb kk


Dialog 1

  1. Dio earns money by selling his patchwork creations.
  2. Dio is going to take a break after he has finished all of his work.
  3. Dio wants to reduce the fabric waste because it is harmful to the environment.
  4. Bela should have good sewing skills if she wants to make patchwork.
  5. Bela is proud of Dio because he can optimally use his skills.

Dialog 2

  1. Mrs. Lin will go to the bakery.
  2. Ratri intends to go with her mother, to buy a tart.
  3. Ratri and her friends are going to give Anita a tart on her birthday.
  4. According to the dialog, Ratri's mother suggests she orders the tart first.
  5. After the dialog, Ratri will go home.

Rosi H

19 Agustus 2023 09:49

Dialog 1 1. Selling his patchwork creation 2. Teach Bella 3. Can harm environment 4. Willingness 5. Proud Dialog 2 1. Bakery 2. A tart 3. Surprise 4. Should order the tart first and collect it on the afternoon 5. Collect the tart on the afternoon

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