Kim N

20 Januari 2022 01:49


Kim N

20 Januari 2022 01:49


Complete the labels on Diagram B below. Choose your answers from the options. There are more words/phrases than spaces, so you will not use them all. Options: granite - mud - terminal building site - sand - runways and taxiways - water - stiff clay AIRPORTS ON WATER River deltas are difficult places fo map makers. The river builds them up, the sea wears them down, their outlines are always changing. The changes in China's Pearl River delta, however, are more dramaticthan these natural fluctuations. An island six kilometers long and with a total area of 1248 hectares is being created there. And the civil engineers areas interested in performance as in speed and size. This isa bit of the delta that they want to endure. The new island of Chek Lap Kok, the site of Hong Kong's new airport, is 83% complete. The giant dumper trucks rumbling across it will have finished their job by the middle of this year and the airport itself will be bult at a similarly breakneck pace. As Chek Lap Kok rises, however, another new Asian island is sinking back into the sea. This is a 520 hectare island built in Osaka Bay, Japan, that serves as the platform for the new Kansai airport. Chek Lap Kok was built in a different way, and thus hopes to avoid the same sinking fate. The usual way to reclaim land is to pile sand rock on to the seabed. When the seabed oozes with mud, this Is rather like placing a textbook on a wet sponge: the weight squeezes the water out, causing both water and sponge to settle lower. The settlement is rarely even: different parts sink at different rates. So buildings, pipes, roads and so on tend to buckle and crack. You can engineer around these problems, or you can engineer them out. Kansai took the first approach, Chek Lap Kok is taking the second. The differences are both political and geological. Kansai was supposed to be built just one kilometer offshore, where the seabed is guite solid, Fishermen protested, and the site was shifted a further five kilometers. That put it in deeper water (around 20 meters) and above a seabed that consisted of 20 meters of soft alluvial silt and mud deposits. Worse, below it was a not-very-firm glacial deposit hundreds of meters thick. The Kansai builders recognized that settlement was inevitable. Sand was driven into the seabed to strergihen it before the land was piled on top, in an attemp to slow the process but this has not been as effective as had been hoped. To cope with setlement, Kansa's giant terminal is supported on 900 pilar. Each of them can be individually jacked up, allowing wedges to beadded underneath. That is meant to keep the building level. But it could be a tricky task. Conditions are different at Chek Lap Kok. There was some land there to begin with, he original lite Island of Chek Lap Kok and a smaller outerop called Lam Chau. Baween them, these two outcrops of hard, weathered grarite make up a quarter of the new island's surface area. Unfortunately, between the islands there was a layer of soft mud, 27 meters thick in places. According to Frans Uiterwijk, a Dutchman who is the projects reclamation director, it would have been possible to leave this mud below the reclaimed land, and to deal with the resulting settlement by the Kansai method, But the consortium that won the contract for the island opted for a more aggressive approach. It assembled the worlds largest feet of dredgers, which sucked up 150 cubic meters of day and mud and dumped it in deeper waters. At the same time, sand was dredged from the waters and piled on top of the layer of stiff clay that the massive dredging had laid bare. Nor was the sand the only thing used. The original granite island which had hills up to 120 meters high was driled and blasted into boulders no bigger than two meters in diameter. This provided 70 cubic meters of granite to add to ihe island's foundations. Because the heap of boulders does not il ihe space perlectiy, this represents the equivalent of 105 cubic meters of land. Most of the rock will become the foundations for the airport's runways and its taxiways. The sand dredged from the waters will also be used to provide a two meter caping layer over the granite platform. This makes it easier for utilities to dig trenches granite is unyielding stuff. Most of the terminal buidings will be placed above the site of the existing island. Only a limited amount of piledriving is needed to support building foundations above softer areas. The compileted island will be six to seven meters above sea level. In all, 350 cubic meters of material will have been moved. And much of it, like the overloads, has to be moved several times before reaching its final resting place. For example, there has to be motorway capable of carrying 150-tonne dump trucks and there has to be araised area for the 15,000 Construction workers. These are temporary: they will be removed when the airport is finished. The airport, though, is here to stay. To protect it, the new coastline is being bolstered with a formidable twelve kilometers of sea defenses. The brunt of a typhoon wil be deflected by the neighboring islands of Lantau; the sea walls should guard aganist the rest. Fentler but more persistent bad weather - the downpours of the summer monsoon - is also being taken into acccount. A mat-like material called geo textile is being laid across the island to seperate the rock and sand layers. That will stop sand particles from being washed into the rock voids, and so causing further settlement. This island is being built never to be sunk. Number 4 ...


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Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Diponegoro

20 Januari 2022 06:49

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Hai, Kim. Jawaban atas soal ini adalah "stiff clay" (tanah liat padat). Soal meminta untuk mencocokkan kata yang tepat dengan bagian nomor 4 pada gambar sesuai dengan teksnya. Nomor 4 sebelum pembangunan masih berbentuk lumpur halus. Namun, terdapat perubahan yang dibuktikan dari kalimat ketiga dan keempat paragraf kedelapan yang berbunyi "It assembled the worlds largest feet of dredgers, which sucked up 150 cubic meters of clay and mud and dumped it in deeper waters. At the same time, sand was dredged from the waters and piled on top of the layer of stiff clay that the massive dredging had laid bare." Terjemahannya adalah "Itu mengerahkan armada kapal keruk terbesar di dunia, yang mengeruk tanah liat dan lumpur sebesar 150 meter kubik dan membuangnya ke perairan yang lebih dalam. Di waktu yang sama, pasir dikeruk dari air dan ditumpuk ke atas lapisan tanah liat keras bekas pengerukan besar-besaran." Berdasarkan kalimat tersebut, bagian nomor 4 yang tadinya masih berupa lumpur, berubah menjadi tanah liat keras yang ditumpuk oleh pasir. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah "stiff clay".


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Preparing the Children Today for Tomorrow Parents strive to have their children academically competitive. Their goal is to send their children to good schools as well as to choose extracurricular activities that improve their children's skills and abilities. Children learn what is important through their school year. The question then becomes what should parents consider in choosing the best education for their children? When should the process begin? The answer is, from the time of birth, how ever, the schools become part of the process, when children begin preschools and kinder garten. This is when parents pick a school that parallel their educational beliefs. A joint effort between parents, students, and the schools is established. Success will be based on how well the "team" works. Parents need to look for a school that will be a "second home" for their children. These are some important factors that should be considered. It is very important that students have good reading comprehension, writing and speaking skills. In today's world, students who develop skill in two or more languages will find further studies easier. English is considered the business language of today and is important for students who plan to attend university in English speaking countries. Mandarin is becoming more important as China begins to move into world economy. French and German are necessary for many students are now looking at oppor tunities in Europe. Students who develop more than one language have an advantage over competitors applying for college place ment. However one cannot develop a second language unless one develops his or her first language. Studies show that children between the ages of two and six best acquire a second language parallel to their own. Therefore, starting students in school offering dual language instruction programmes have an advantage. If a dual language programmes isn't available, or is too expensive, parents may need to look at different ways to get the needed language instruction. Language acquisition needs to be active. A good school will begin with oral language at the earliest opportunity to develop speaking confidence and to set grammatical structures. When a child learn two languages in parallel, vocabulary and grammatical structures are easier to acquire. The earlier a second language is learned, the less problem a child will have with improper word use. The more active in each language students become the more proficient and confident they will be. Taken from The Jakarta Post, 2007 33. What language should you study if you want to continue your study in Europe?



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Mosaku and his apprentice Minokichi journeyed to a forest, some little distance front their village. It was a bitterly cold night when they neared their destination, and saw in front of them a cold sweep of water. They desired to cross this river, but the ferryman had gone away, leaving his boat on the other side of the water, and they were glad to take shelter in the ferryman's little hut. Minokichi fell asleep, to be soon awakened by a shower of snow falling across his face. He found a fair woman in dazzlingly white garments bent over Mosaku. Her breath coming forth like white smoke. After bending over the old man fort a minute or two, she turned to Minokichi and threat Minokichi with instant death if he dared to mention to anyone what he had seen, she suddenly vanished. Mosaku was dead! During the next winter, while Minokichi was returning home, he chanced to meet a pretty girl by the name of Yuki. Minokichi was charmed with this maiden, and in due time married her. Yuki presented her husband with ten fine and handsome children, fairer of skin than average. One night, while Yuki was sewing, Minokichi recalled the extraordinary experience he had had in the ferryman's hut. "You remind me so much of a beautiful white woman I saw when I was eighteen years old. She killed my master with her ice-cold breath. I am sure she was some strange spirit, and yet tonight she seems to resemble you." Yuki flung down her sewing. She bent close to her husband and shrieked, "It was me, Yuki-Onna, who came to you then, and silently killed your master! Oh, faithless wretch, you have broken your promise to keep the matter secret, and if it were not for our sleeping children I would kill you now! On a night when the snow falls I will kill you!" Then Yuki-Onna, the Lady of the Snow, changed into a white *mist*, and passed through the smoke-hole, never to return again. Where did Mosaku and Minokichi stay in the forest? a. On a boat b. Shelter c. Village d. River e. Ferryman's bed



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Dear Malika, How are you? I saw you posted some amazing photos of the coastline near your hometown. You're really getting into your photography! Right now I'm taking a break from social media to write you an old-fashioned email. Remember you said you'd like to come over to the UK sometime this year? Well I was thinking that this year you might like to come to the Edinburgh Festival with me in August. I've got an aunt with a flat in the city centre who could put us up. Do you know much about the festival? It's legendary- the biggest, most cosmopolitan arts festival in the world! There are loads of things going on- art exhibitions, concerts of all kinds, modern dance, a book festival, comedy. The thing it's most famous for is cutting- edge theatre. Companies come from all over the world and perform in their own language with English subtitles. At festival time the city has a really cool vibe and a laidback atmosphere- it's lovely to just hang out and chat to people. In Scotland you have the vest of both worlds: culture and wilderness. After the festival, we could hire a car and go up to some of the islands off the west coast, like Skye. The weather can be changeable in August, but the landscape is absolutely stunning, with deserted beaches and rocky mountains. It's the perfect place for you to take photos. Afterwards, we could head back to the east coast and visit my friend Rob in St Andrews. It's really pretty and Rob's great company. You'd get on well with him. So, why don't you have a think about it and then get back to me? Take your time, there's no rush. Speak to you soon, Sophie Match the content point with the paragraph and write the alphabet next to the number 1. 1. ......... Paragraph 1 a. First content point (invite him/her to a public event in your country) b. Second content point (describe the public event) c. Third content point (explain about other plans you have) d. Request for a reply e. Opening greeting and small talk



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Organise Your Speech Delivering a powerful speech is not easy. First of all, you need to organise your speech properly. Most speeches have three main components: the introduction, the body and the closing. The Introduction This is possibly the most important part of your speech, because you want to grab your audience's attention from the start. So come up with something clever, shocking, or interesting right at the very beginning. Here are some possible techniques to use. - Be dramatic. Say something like, "I'm about to reveal a plan that will drastically alter the face of humanity as we know it!" When your presentation is really about a new brand of facial soap. - Tell a joke. Getting people to laugh will loosen them up and make them feel inclined to like you and hear what you have to say. Don't try this if your jokes are usually met by silence or groans. Test your opening out first on your most brutally honest of friends. - Tell a story. This will make the audience see you as a person instead of a boring public speaker, thus giving you an air of accessibility. Two things to keep in mind about opening your speech with your story: keep it short (under a minute) and keep it relevant to the rest of your presentation. The Body This is your speech. Everything you want to say should come out here, in an organised, trivialised fashion. Here are some possible techniques: Use a formal outline. You can prepare for writing the content of your speech by outlining your major points with those fun Roman numerals. Most good speeches have two or three main points, each of which has a couple of sub-points for examples. Formally outlining your speech will make sure that your logical flow makes sense and that your audience doesn't get lost. It will also help you figure out where the holes in your speech are, in case you have to do some last minute extra research. The Closing The way you end a speech is almost as important as the way you begin it. The audience will be most restless at the end, and you have to find a way to tie everything together so that they don't walk away remembering how badly they were fidgeting. The ending shapes the audience's memory of the speech. If you get a laugh, they will probably think it was funny. If you make a great insight, they will remember it as insightful. So sum everything up for them in approximately a few concise sentences and leave them with a witty line. Decide whether statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the text! 2. To grab your audience's attention you have to come up with something clever, shocking or interesting right at the very beginning.



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