Matahari M

21 Maret 2022 13:34



Matahari M

21 Maret 2022 13:34


Complete the dialog using passive voice form of the clues given. Your partner : Let's make gethuk. You : Okay. Your partner : The pieces of cassava *are peeled* [peel]. They 1 _____ [wash] with water until completely clean. Then the cassava 2 _____ [chop]. Your partner : What next? You: The cassava 3 _____ [boil] in boiling water until completely cooked and tender. Remove them from heat to cool. Sugar and salt 4 _____ [add] to the cassava puree. Knead with your hands till well blended. Your partner: I know the next step. The cassava dough 5 _____ [divide] into several parts. Food colors 6 _____ [give] to each parts. You: Yes, you're right. Then cassava dough 7 _____ [print] with gethuk mold. Set aside the gethuk. Your partner: Finish? You: Not yet. Grated coconut 8 _____ [mix] well with salt. Then it 9 _____ [steam] briefly. Finally, grated coconut 10 _____ [sprinkle] on gethuk. Number 9 .....



Jawaban terverifikasi



L. Putu

22 Maret 2022 03:31

Jawaban terverifikasi

Halo Matahari M, Kakak bantu jawab ya. Jawabannya adalah Then it is steamed briefly. Soal di atas meminta kita untuk membuat kalimat pasif. Dalam kalimat pasif, subjek kalimat menerima aksi, bukan melakukan aksi. Rumus kalimat pasif: Subject + to be (am, is, are) + Verb 3 Berdasarkan penjelasan di atas maka jawaban yang tepat adalah "Then it is steamed briefly." berarti "Kemudian getuk dikukus beberapa saat." Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah "Then it is steamed briefly." berarti "Kemudian getuk dikukus beberapa saat." Semoga bisa membantu ya.




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