Anonim A

20 Februari 2024 12:16



Anonim A

20 Februari 2024 12:16


Change into passive 1.Izza wrote this beautiful poem 2.You should take the night flight 3.Students have done their homework 4.My sister is watering some flowers 5.Rena and Sifa listen music every morning





Nur L

22 Februari 2024 09:22

<p>1. The poem is written by izza</p><p>2. The night flight should be taken by you</p><p>3. The home work have been done by student</p><p>4. some flowers is being watered by my sister</p><p>5. music is listened by rena and sifa every morning&nbsp;</p>

1. The poem is written by izza

2. The night flight should be taken by you

3. The home work have been done by student

4. some flowers is being watered by my sister

5. music is listened by rena and sifa every morning 



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The old witch locked Hansel in a cage and set Gretel to clean the house. She planned to eat them both. Each night the children cried and begged the witch to let them go. Meanwhile, at home, their stepmother was beginning to wish she had never tried to get rid of the children. "I must find them," she said and set off into the forest. Many hours later, when her feet were tired from walking and her lips were dry from thirst, she came to the cottage belonging to the witch. The stepmother peeped through the window. Her heart cried out when she saw the two children. She picked up the broom leaning against the door and crept inside. The witch was putting some stew in the oven when the stepmother gave her an almighty push. The witch fell into the oven and the stepmother shut the door. 'Children, I have come to save you,' she said hugging them tightly. I have done a dreadful thing. I hope in time you will forgive me. Let me take you home and become a family again. They returned to their home and the stepmother became the best mother anyone could wish to have, and of course they lived happily ever after! 38. The story is about... A. Two children went to school for the first time B. A witch who is really kind C. A father who begged a witch for money D. A stepmother who saved her children from a witch



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Lutung Kasarung A long time ago, in west Java, there was a kingdom. The king. was Prabu Tapa Agung. He had several beautiful daughters. Of her daughters, only the eldest, Purba Rarang and the youngest, Purba Sari were yet to get married. Purna Rarang, however, had already fiance, a well-built handsome man called Raden lndrajaya. When the king was too tired to lead the kingdom, king planned to step down. Knowing Purba Rarang traits of character, the king preferred Purba, Sari to replace him. Purba Rarang was very disappointed. She thought that she deserve to replace her father as the ruler. She discussed the situation with her fiance, lndrajaya. "My father is being unfair. I am his eldest child," Purba Rarang moaned. "It can't happen that way. You are the real queen," shouted lndrajaya. Then they got an evil idea. They asked a witch to cast a spell to Purba Sari. Soon after that Purba Sari had a strange skin disease. There were black dots on her skin. Consequently Purba Rarang had a reason to tell people that her sister had a great sin and she was cursed by god. She told her people that such a person did not qualify to be a leader. After that she ordered the army to send Purba Sari to a wood and had her exiled there. As there were many animals in the wood she got along with them well. Her best friend was a black monkey. She called the monkey Lutung Kasarung. Lutung was very attentive and very kind to her. He gave fruits and vegetables to Purba Sari. Lutung Kasarung was not an ordinary monkey. He often meditates like human being. One night when there was a full moon he sat meditating. He was praying to God. Suddenly a spring emerged beside Lutung. It became bigger and bigger and finally it became a lake. The water was very clear and aromatic. The next day Lutung came to see Purba Sari. He asked her to follow him. Lutung took her to the lake and asked her to take a bath. When Purba Sari took bath in the lake something strange happened. Her skin disease was gone and her smooth fair skin was back. Purba Sari was very happy and thankful to God. One day, Prime Minister visited Purba Sari and got really surprise to know that she had got rid of her illness. He then asked her to go back to the kingdom. Purba Sari agreed and brought Lutung Kasarung with her. Purba Rarang was very surprised when she saw Purba Sari was in good condition and looked beautiful. Her evil heart led her to find a way to beat her sister. Then she asked her sister to measure the length of their hair. The one who had the longest hair would win. Purba Sari's hair proved to be longer than Purba Rarang's. Then Purba Rarang got another idea. She asked hersister to compare their fiance. Purba Rarang was sure that she would win because lndrajaya was very handsome. She was sure that Purba Sari did not have any fiance. When Purba Rarang showed lndrajaya, Purba Sari was awkwardly appointed Lutung Kasarung as her fiance. Purba Rarang laughed out loud. "So your fiance is a monkey?" Purba Rarang said." "Yes, this monkey is my fiance:' Purba Sari said. Lutung Kasarung then sat on the ground. He was meditating ·and praying to God. Then amazingly he changed into a very handsome man. Initially Lutung Kasarung was a handsome man who was punished by God and became a monkey. After some years that day he got clemency from God and he became human being again. Purba Rarang was very surprised. He had no cfloice but to accept that her sister was better than her. She asked for apology. Purba Sari gave her apology. After that they went back to palace. Purba Sari became the queen and married to Lutung Kasarung. Source: http:/ folklore/80/lutungkasarung 8. What do you think of lndrajaya?



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Once upon a time, there was a widow who lived with her only daughter, Akuvi. Akuvi was a naughty and rebellious girl. She would refuse everything her mother asked her to do. One day, the widow got so angry at her daughter that she scolded her. Akuvi thought her mother didn't love her, so she decided to leave home. After wandering all day long, she arrived at a forest and found an old hut near a farm. Outside the hut sat an old lady. Akuvi had never seen such an old lady. Akuvi walked up to the old lady, who looked her in the eye, and asked "Who are you and where are you from?" Akuvi just about opened her mouth to answer, when the old lady informed her of the bad things she had done to her mother. The old lady took her in, gave her a corner of her hut where she could lie down to sleep. The next morning the old lady made Akuvi go to her farm to pick some vegetables for dinner. As she entered the farm, she was shocked to find out that the plants could talk! One of them said, "Look girl, I'm too old to be here, come and pick me! Another said, "Please don't pick me, I've just been planted! Go to the next one!" With all these voices coming at her from all directions Akuvi got scared: nothing like this had ever happened to her in her entire life. She wanted to run away, but she was frightened of what the old lady would do to her. So she gathered up all her courage and started picking the plants just as the old lady had told her to do. She took the vegetables home and the old lady instructed her to cook them. However, Akuvi didn't get meals from the old woman. When Akuvi protested her, she said, "No, you should not eat anything, naughty child. Do you want me to change you into a rabbit?" Akuvi was afraid. The next day, the same thing happened again. Akuvi wanted to leave the house. She remembered her mother's love for her. Then, one night, when the witch didn't notice, she ran away. Arriving at her house, she found her mother lying on her bed. She was sick. Akuvi cried and asked for her mother's forgiveness. Since that time, Akuvi became a good child and never rebelled against her mother anymore. 9.What is the most suitable title for the text? A. The Disobedient Child B. The Talking Plants C. A Girl and a Witch D. A Hut in a Forest E. A Mother's Love



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