Shafira R

23 Juli 2024 10:36


Shafira R

23 Juli 2024 10:36


Ceritakan tentang cerita rakyat (tangkupan perahu) dengan menggunakan bahasa kalian sendiri! (Tulis dalam bahasa inggris).

Ceritakan tentang cerita rakyat (tangkupan perahu) dengan menggunakan bahasa kalian sendiri! (Tulis dalam bahasa inggris).

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Jawaban terverifikasi


Firdaus F

23 Juli 2024 17:02

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>in ancient times, there was a mother named Dayang Sumbi and a son named Sangkuriang. Sangkuriang was very fond of hunting. every time he hunted, he was accompanied by his pet named Tumang. one day Tumang did not want to obey what was ordered by Sangkuriang and finally he chased Tumang in the forest. when he arrived at his home, Sangkuriang told his mother, Dayang Sumbi about his incident . his mother was very angry because Tumang was a dog from the gods and also his father. when dayang sumbi was angry, she accidentally hit Sangkuriang's head using the rice spoon she was holding. Dayang sumbi regretted her actions and went to meditate. one day, the god gave dayang sumbi a gift, which was that she would have eternal beauty.</p><p>After a long time, sangkuriang wandered, he went to his place of origin and the situation there was completely changed. at that time, sangkuriang saw a woman who was extraordinarily beautiful, he was very fascinated with her and intended to propose to her. at that time, dayang sumbi was also fascinated by the good looks possessed by sangkuriang who was proposing to her. one day, sangkuriang said goodbye to hunt, he asked dayang sumbi to tidy up the tie on his head. how surprised was dayang sumbi when she saw the scar on the back of sangkuriang's head. the wound was very similar to the wound that her son had and after being noticed, his face was very similar to her son. dayang sumbi was so scared that she thought of a way to cancel their marriage.</p><p>Dayang sumbi finally gave two conditions to Sangkuriang before marrying him, namely she asked Sangkuriang to dam the Citarum river. The second, she asked Sangkuriang to make a large canoe to cross the river. both conditions must be fulfilled before dawn. after being given these 2 conditions, Sangkuriang went into asceticism and asked for help from supernatural beings to help him. &nbsp;dayang sumbi peeked at sangkuriang's work before dawn but sangkuriang's work was almost finished, he was frightened and asked his troops to roll out the red cloth in the eastern area of the city. sangkuriang saw that he thought it was time for dawn to break. very upset, he pushed the boat until a big flood occurred and ended up being called tangkuban perahu.</p>

in ancient times, there was a mother named Dayang Sumbi and a son named Sangkuriang. Sangkuriang was very fond of hunting. every time he hunted, he was accompanied by his pet named Tumang. one day Tumang did not want to obey what was ordered by Sangkuriang and finally he chased Tumang in the forest. when he arrived at his home, Sangkuriang told his mother, Dayang Sumbi about his incident . his mother was very angry because Tumang was a dog from the gods and also his father. when dayang sumbi was angry, she accidentally hit Sangkuriang's head using the rice spoon she was holding. Dayang sumbi regretted her actions and went to meditate. one day, the god gave dayang sumbi a gift, which was that she would have eternal beauty.

After a long time, sangkuriang wandered, he went to his place of origin and the situation there was completely changed. at that time, sangkuriang saw a woman who was extraordinarily beautiful, he was very fascinated with her and intended to propose to her. at that time, dayang sumbi was also fascinated by the good looks possessed by sangkuriang who was proposing to her. one day, sangkuriang said goodbye to hunt, he asked dayang sumbi to tidy up the tie on his head. how surprised was dayang sumbi when she saw the scar on the back of sangkuriang's head. the wound was very similar to the wound that her son had and after being noticed, his face was very similar to her son. dayang sumbi was so scared that she thought of a way to cancel their marriage.

Dayang sumbi finally gave two conditions to Sangkuriang before marrying him, namely she asked Sangkuriang to dam the Citarum river. The second, she asked Sangkuriang to make a large canoe to cross the river. both conditions must be fulfilled before dawn. after being given these 2 conditions, Sangkuriang went into asceticism and asked for help from supernatural beings to help him.  dayang sumbi peeked at sangkuriang's work before dawn but sangkuriang's work was almost finished, he was frightened and asked his troops to roll out the red cloth in the eastern area of the city. sangkuriang saw that he thought it was time for dawn to break. very upset, he pushed the boat until a big flood occurred and ended up being called tangkuban perahu.


Daniel N

24 Juli 2024 09:18

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>Semoga membantu kamu ya Shafira M &lt;3</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The legend of "Tangkupan Perahu" originates from the Dayak ethnic group of Borneo, Indonesia. It tells the story of a magical boat that can travel between the earthly realm and the spirit world.</p><p>According to the legend, Tangkupan Perahu was a mystical boat crafted by a skilled Dayak craftsman. It was said to be imbued with powerful spirits and enchanted by a wise shaman. The boat possessed the ability to sail not only on water but also through the skies and even into the underworld.</p><p>The purpose of Tangkupan Perahu was to transport souls of the deceased to the afterlife. When someone passed away, their spirit would be guided onto the boat, which would then embark on a journey through the mystical realms. Along the way, the boat would encounter various challenges and obstacles, representing the trials that the soul must overcome before reaching its final destination.</p><p>The boat itself was believed to have a consciousness of its own, capable of making decisions and navigating through both the physical and spiritual realms. It was revered by the Dayak people as a bridge between the world of the living and the world of the spirits, embodying their beliefs in the cycle of life and death.</p><p>The legend of Tangkupan Perahu not only serves as a cultural heritage but also reflects the spiritual beliefs and values of the Dayak community. It underscores their deep connection with nature, their reverence for ancestors, and their understanding of the journey that every soul must undertake beyond the boundaries of the physical world.</p><p><br>&nbsp;</p>

Semoga membantu kamu ya Shafira M <3


The legend of "Tangkupan Perahu" originates from the Dayak ethnic group of Borneo, Indonesia. It tells the story of a magical boat that can travel between the earthly realm and the spirit world.

According to the legend, Tangkupan Perahu was a mystical boat crafted by a skilled Dayak craftsman. It was said to be imbued with powerful spirits and enchanted by a wise shaman. The boat possessed the ability to sail not only on water but also through the skies and even into the underworld.

The purpose of Tangkupan Perahu was to transport souls of the deceased to the afterlife. When someone passed away, their spirit would be guided onto the boat, which would then embark on a journey through the mystical realms. Along the way, the boat would encounter various challenges and obstacles, representing the trials that the soul must overcome before reaching its final destination.

The boat itself was believed to have a consciousness of its own, capable of making decisions and navigating through both the physical and spiritual realms. It was revered by the Dayak people as a bridge between the world of the living and the world of the spirits, embodying their beliefs in the cycle of life and death.

The legend of Tangkupan Perahu not only serves as a cultural heritage but also reflects the spiritual beliefs and values of the Dayak community. It underscores their deep connection with nature, their reverence for ancestors, and their understanding of the journey that every soul must undertake beyond the boundaries of the physical world.


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1.Pancasila adalah fondasi sekaligus pedoman dalam penyelenggaraan negara Indonesia. Dengan demikian Pancasila berfungsi sebagai.... a. dasar negara b. idelogi negara c. pandangan hidup bangsa d. cita-cita nasional 2.Badan Penyelidik Usaha-Usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia (BPUPKI) dibentuk oleh pemerintah pendudukan Jepang pada tanggal 1 Maret 1945 bertepatan dengan hari ulang tahun Kaisar Hirohito. Wakil ketua BPUPKI ketika itu dijabat oleh .... a. Ir. Soekarno dan Mr. Soepomo b. K.R.T Radjiman Wediodiningrat c. Ir. Soekarno dan Drs. Moh. Hatta d. Ichibangase Yosio dan Radern Pandji Soeroso 3.Ir. Soekarno mengemukakan gagasannya tentang dasar negara pada tanggal .... a. 4 Juni 1945 b. 3 Juni 1945 c. 2 Juni 1945 d. 1 Juni 1945 4."Negara Indonesia adalah negara kesatuan yang berbentuk republik". Pernyataan tersebut tercantum di dalam UUD 1945 .... a. Pasal 1 Ayat 1 b. Pasal 1 Ayat 2 c. Pasal 1 Ayat 3 d. Pasal 18 5.Pemilu pada 15 Desember 1955 dilaksanakan untuk memilih anggota.... a.MPRS b.KNIP c.DPR d.konstitusi 6.Pemilihan umum (pemilu) merupakan proses memilih orang untuk mengisi jabatan-jabatan politik tertentu mulai dari presiden, wakil rakyat dari tingkat pusat sampai daerah. Di Indonesia pemilu dilaksanakan tiap .... a. 3 tahun sekali b. 4 tahun sekali c. 5 tahun sekali d. 6 tahun sekali 7.Pemilu merupakan salah satu syarat terbentuknya pemerintahan yang .... a. bersih b. terbuka c. transparan d. demokratis 8.Perhatikan pernyataan di bawah ini ! (1) Memperlakukan peserta pemilu secara adil dan setara (2) Menyuarakan pemilu (3) Menyampaikan informasi kegiatan pemilu kepada masyarakat (4) Melaporkan penyelenggaraan pemilu Pernyataan-pernyataan di atas merupakan tugas .... a. KPU b. rakyat c. presiden d. PPS 9.Pemilu tahun 2004 dibagi menjadi tiga tahap. Tahap pertama pemilu tersebut adalah untuk memilih .... a. anggota DPR dan DPRD b. anggota KPU c. persaingan calon presiden dan wakil presiden d. partai politik 10.Indonesia merupakan negara demokrasi yang menerapkan teori trias politika, yaitu eksekutif legislatif, dan yudikatif. Pemegang kekuasaan legislatif pada tingkat pemerintah desa ialah .... a. BPD b. kepala desa c. Sekretaris desa d. perangkat desa 11.Munurut UUD 1945, BPK merupakan lembaga yang bebas dan mandiri. Anggota BPK dipilih oleh Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat dengan Memperhatikan pertimbangan Dewan Perwakilan Daerah, dan diresmikan oleh .... a. presiden b. DPR c. MPR d. MK 12.Perhatikan pernyataan berikut ini ! (1) Perlindungan konstitusional (2) Kebebasan menyatakan pendapat (3) Kebebasan untuk berserikat (4) Jaminan hak asasi manusia (5) Badan peradilan dikendalikan pemerintah Prinsip-prinsip demokrasi ditunjukkan oleh nomor .... a. (1), (2), (3), (4), dan (5) b. (1), (2), (3), dan (4) c. (1), (2), dan (3) d. (1), dan (2) 13.Tiap negara memiliki sistem untuk menjalankan kehidupan pemerintahannya. Sistem tersebut adalah sistem pemerintahan. Ada beberapa macam sistem pemerintahan si dunia ini. Saat ini, Indonesia menganut sistem pemerintahan .... a. sosialisasi b. komunis c. Presidensial d. parlementer 14.Dalam penyelenggaraan urusan pemerintahan, khusus nya pemerintahan daerah, sangat berhubungan erat dengan beberapa asas dalam pemerintahan suatu negara. Asas-asas yang dimaksud adalah .... a. desentralisasi, dekonsentrasi, dan tugas pembantuan b. desentralisasi, konsentrasi, dan tugas pembantuan c. desentralisasi, dekonsentrasi, dan tugas utama d. desentralisasi, dekonsentrasi, dan sentralisasi 15.Bacalah pernyataan-pernyataan berikut ini ! (1) Melindungi segenap bangsa Indonesia dan seluruh tumpah darah Indonesia (2) Memajukan kesejahteraan umum (3) Mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa (4) Menciptakan masyarakat yang jujur dan adil (5) Ikut melaksanakan ketertiban dunia yang berdasarkan kemerdekaan, perdamaian abadi dan keadilan sosial. Tujuan nasional bangsa Indonesia tercantum pada nomor .... a. (1), (2), (3), (4), dan (5) b. (1), (2), (3), dan (4) c. (1), (2), (3), dan (5) d. (1), (2), dan (3) 16.Anggota komisi Yudisial di angkat diberhentikan oleh .... a. presiden dan para menteri b. presiden dengan persetujuan DPR RI c. DPR RI dan MPR d. Mahkamah Agung 17.Lembaga tinggi negeri ini menurut UUD 45 sebelum diamandemen memiliki fungsi memberi masukan atau pertimbangan kepada presiden. Lembaga tinggi negara ini juga berkewajiban memberi jawaban atas pertanyaan presiden dan berhak mengajukan usul kepada pemerintah. Namun sekarang, lembaga tinggi negara ini sudah dihapuskan. Lembaga yang dimaksudkan adalah .... a. Dewan Pertimbangan Daerah b. Dewan Pertimbangan Agung c. Mahkamah Konstitusi d. Mahkamah Agung 18.Memantau dan mengevaluasi penyelenggaraan pemerintahan kabupaten dan atau kota bagi kepala daerah atau provinsi. Pernyataan ini merupakan tugas dan wewenang .... a. presiden b. kepala daerah c. wakil presiden d. wakil kepala daerah 19.Fungsi anggaran yang dijalankan oleh DPR ditunjukkan oleh .... a. Kekuasaan dalam membentuk UU b. mengesahkan rancangan APBN yang telah diajukan oleh presiden c. mengawasi jalannya pemerintahan d. menindak pelaku kejahatan 20.Basis daerah pemilihan anggota DPD adalah provinsi. Tiap provinsi diwakili oleh perwakilan DPD, yang terdiri dari .... a. 2 anggota b. 3 anggota c. 5 anggota d. 4 anggota



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