Alya A

17 Januari 2025 02:43


Alya A

17 Januari 2025 02:43


can you please describe about kinds of text? like narrative, descriptive, etc?

can you please describe about kinds of text? like narrative, descriptive, etc? 

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Jawaban terverifikasi


Vidya H

18 Januari 2025 00:29

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>Kinds of Text</p><p>1. Procedure text</p><p>To help us do a task or make something. They can be a set of instructions or directions.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>2. Recount Text</p><p>To tell the readers what happened in the past through a sequence of events.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>3. Narrative Text</p><p>To amuse or entertain the readers with actual or imaginary experience in different ways. Narrative always deals with some problems which lead to the climax and then turn into a solution to the problem.<br>&nbsp;</p><p>4. Description Text</p><p>To describe a particular person, place or thing.<br>&nbsp;</p><p>5. Expository Text</p><p>The main goal of an expository text is to inform or explain. It aims to provide the reader with comprehensive information about a specific topic.<br>&nbsp;</p><p>6. Persuasive Text</p><p>To persuade the readers by presenting a point of view.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>7. Discussion Text</p><p>A discussion text is intended to present multiple perspectives on a specific issue, allowing the reader to consider all angles before forming their own viewpoint.</p>

Kinds of Text

1. Procedure text

To help us do a task or make something. They can be a set of instructions or directions.


2. Recount Text

To tell the readers what happened in the past through a sequence of events.


3. Narrative Text

To amuse or entertain the readers with actual or imaginary experience in different ways. Narrative always deals with some problems which lead to the climax and then turn into a solution to the problem.

4. Description Text

To describe a particular person, place or thing.

5. Expository Text

The main goal of an expository text is to inform or explain. It aims to provide the reader with comprehensive information about a specific topic.

6. Persuasive Text

To persuade the readers by presenting a point of view.


7. Discussion Text

A discussion text is intended to present multiple perspectives on a specific issue, allowing the reader to consider all angles before forming their own viewpoint.


D. Islami

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

19 Januari 2025 19:24

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>Jawaban :</p><p>&nbsp;</p><ul><li><strong>Narrative</strong>: Tells a story with a beginning, middle, and end. Example: fairy tales, novels.</li><li><strong>Descriptive</strong>: Describes something in detail to paint a picture in your mind. Example: a place, person, or object.</li><li><strong>Expository</strong>: Explains facts, information, or processes clearly. Example: textbooks, how-to guides.</li><li><strong>Persuasive</strong>: Aims to convince readers to agree with an opinion. Example: ads, opinion articles.</li><li><strong>Procedure</strong>: Gives step-by-step instructions on how to do something. Example: recipes, manuals.</li><li><strong>Report</strong>: Provides factual information about something systematically. Example: research papers, news reports.</li><li><strong>Recount</strong>: Retells events or experiences in chronological order. Example: diaries, biographies.</li></ul><p>&nbsp;</p><ul><li><strong>Narrative</strong>: Cerita yang punya awal, tengah, dan akhir. Contohnya dongeng atau novel.</li><li><strong>Descriptive</strong>: Jelasin sesuatu dengan detail, biar bisa kebayang maksudnya. Contohnya deskripsi tempat, orang, atau benda.</li><li><strong>Expository</strong>: Nerangin fakta, info, atau cara ngelakuin sesuatu. Contohnya buku pelajaran, panduan.</li><li><strong>Persuasive</strong>: Ngebujuk pembaca buat setuju sama pendapat. Contohnya iklan, artikel opini.</li><li><strong>Procedure</strong>: Ngasih langkah-langkah buat ngerjain sesuatu. Contohnya resep, manual.</li><li><strong>Report</strong>: Nyampein info faktual tentang sesuatu secara sistematis. Contohnya laporan penelitian, berita.</li><li><strong>Recount</strong>: Nyeritain ulang kejadian atau pengalaman secara urut. Contohnya diary, biografi.</li></ul>

Jawaban :


  • Narrative: Tells a story with a beginning, middle, and end. Example: fairy tales, novels.
  • Descriptive: Describes something in detail to paint a picture in your mind. Example: a place, person, or object.
  • Expository: Explains facts, information, or processes clearly. Example: textbooks, how-to guides.
  • Persuasive: Aims to convince readers to agree with an opinion. Example: ads, opinion articles.
  • Procedure: Gives step-by-step instructions on how to do something. Example: recipes, manuals.
  • Report: Provides factual information about something systematically. Example: research papers, news reports.
  • Recount: Retells events or experiences in chronological order. Example: diaries, biographies.


  • Narrative: Cerita yang punya awal, tengah, dan akhir. Contohnya dongeng atau novel.
  • Descriptive: Jelasin sesuatu dengan detail, biar bisa kebayang maksudnya. Contohnya deskripsi tempat, orang, atau benda.
  • Expository: Nerangin fakta, info, atau cara ngelakuin sesuatu. Contohnya buku pelajaran, panduan.
  • Persuasive: Ngebujuk pembaca buat setuju sama pendapat. Contohnya iklan, artikel opini.
  • Procedure: Ngasih langkah-langkah buat ngerjain sesuatu. Contohnya resep, manual.
  • Report: Nyampein info faktual tentang sesuatu secara sistematis. Contohnya laporan penelitian, berita.
  • Recount: Nyeritain ulang kejadian atau pengalaman secara urut. Contohnya diary, biografi.

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Jawaban terverifikasi