Bella B

14 Desember 2021 11:32

Bella B

14 Desember 2021 11:32


Bridge breaks in Central Java, killing 5 people and injuring 29 others A footbridge packed with tourists broke at a mountainous resort on Java Island Wednesday, killing five people and injuring 29 after they plunged into a rocky riverbed, police and tourist officials said. The victims were evacuated to three nearby hospitals, said Surono, an employee at the Baturaden resort in Central Java province, adding that they fell more than 20 meters (yards) after one of the steel cables holding the small bridge snapped. Local police chief Emron Putra Agung said five people were killed and 29 injured. The accident occurred as the country enjoys a weeklong holiday marking the end of the Islamic month Ramadan, when people traditionally flock to holiday sites. Baturaden, located 300 kilometers (190 miles) east of the capital Jakarta, is one of the most popular resorts on the slopes of Mount Slamet (3,428 meters, 11,246 feet), Java's second-highest peak. 41. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE according to the text? a. The broken footbridge killed five visitors. b. The victims were left behind without relief. c. The accident happened at the end of Ramadhan. d. The bridge broke because of one of the broken steel cables. e. The visitors were killed because of falling into a rocky riverbed.

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Jawaban terverifikasi

R. Hanifah

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

15 Desember 2021 05:49

Jawaban terverifikasi

Halo, kakak bantu jawab ya :) Jawaban: b. The victims were left behind without relief. Terjemahan pertanyaan "Manakah dari pernyataan berikut yang TIDAK BENAR menurut teks?" Berikut adalah analisisnya: a. The broken footbridge killed five visitors (Jembatan yang putus menewaskan lima pengunjung). Pernyataan tersebut benar. Hal tersebut dinyatakan penulis pada kalimat "Local police Chief Emron Putra Agung said five people were killed" yang artinya "Kapolsek Emron Putra Agung mengatakan lima orang tewas". b. The victim were left behind without relief (Korban ditinggalkan tanpa bantuan). Pernyataan tersebut salah. Pernyataan tidak sesuai dengan isi kalimat "The victim were evacuated to three nearby hospitals" yang artinya "Para korban dievakuasi ke tiga rumah sakit terdekat". c. The accident happened at the end of Ramadhan (Kecelakaan terjadi di penghujung Ramadhan) Pernyataan itu benar, karena sesuai dengan kalimat "The accident occurred as the country enjoys a weeklong holiday marking the end of the Islamic Month Ramadhan" yang artinya "Kecelakaan itu terjadi saat negara itu menikmati liburan selama seminggu yang menandai berakhirnya bulan Ramadhan). d. The bridge broke because of one of the broken steel cable (Jembatan putus karena salah satu kabel baja putus) Hal tersebut benar, karena sesuai dengan pernyataan penulis "they fell more than 20 meters (yards) after one of the steel cable holding the small bridge snapped" yang artinya "Mereka jatuh lebih dari 20 meter (meter) setelah salah satu kabel baja yang menahan jembatan kecil putus). e. The visitors were killed because of falling into a rocky riverbed (Para pengunjung tewas karena jatuh ke dasar sungai yang berbatu) Pernyataan tersebut benar. Hal tersebut sesuai dengan pernyataan "Killing five people and injuring 29 after they plunged into a rocky riverbed" yang artinya "Menewaskan lima orang dan melukai 29 orang setelah mereka jatuh ke dasar sungai yang berbatu". Berdasarkan analisis di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pernyataan yang tidak benar adalah "The victim were left behind without relief". Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah b. The victims were left behind without relief.

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Dialog 1 Sandra : Hi, Julia. Do you have a plan for the weekend? Julia : No, I have no plan yet. Sandra : Would you like to go to the beach? Julia : I think it’s not a good idea. Why don’t we take a cooking class? It could be fun. Sandra : Cooking class? That sounds good. Dialog 2 Willy : You look confused. What’s the matter? Harry : I haven’t finished my English project. It’s due tomorrow. Willy : How if we do it together? Do you mind if I help you? Harry : That sounds great. It would be very helpful. Thank you. 6. What are the responses to the offers given?



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The following are the types of bank forms, except (Berikut ini adalah jenis-jenis formulir bank, kecuali..)



Lihat jawaban (3)

Activity 1: Reading Descriptive Text Read the following text carefully! The Jakarta History Museum (Museum Sejarah Jakarta), also known as Fatahillah Museum or Batavia Museum is located in the Old Town of Jakarta, Jakarta History Museum opened in 1974, diaplays objects from the prehistory period of the city region, the founding of Jayakarta in 1527 and through the Dutch colonization period from the 16 century until Indonesia's independence in 1945. The museum is located in south side of Fatahillah Square (former Batavia City square) new Wayang Museum and Fine Art and Ceramic Museum The building was built in 1970 as the city hall of Batavia This building was the administrative headquarters of the Dutch East India Company and lator of the Dutch Colonial Government. The current building was constructed in 1707 by the city government, replacing the former city hall built In 1672 The building contains 37 omate rooms. There are also some cells located beneath the front portico which were used as dungeons, A Javanese freedom fighter, Prince Diponegoro, was mprisoned here in 1830 before being banished to Makassar This building is located in front of a public square, which in the past was known as Stadhuisploin the City Hall Square. The square is now known as Fatahillah Square, in the center of the square is a fountain which was used as a water supply during the colonial era. Also located In the square is a Portuguese cannon known as Si Jagure Cannon). The square was also used as the place of executions In 1970, the Fatahillah Square was declared a cultural heritage. This effort was the beginning of the development of the historical area of the city of Jakarta, carried out by the Government of DKI Jakarta. The Jakarta History Museum was inaugurated on March 30, 1974 as the center for collection conservation and research for all kinds of object of cultural heritage related to the history of the city of Jakarta This museum is the one of the most visited museums in Jakarta. Visiting the historical building, you will really have an imagination of Jakarta in the colonial era Takan rotor wieder war hostory Museum Nilal Activity 2: Discussing Based on the text, discuss some questions below with your partner! 2. What is the genre of the text?



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