Anthony B

28 April 2022 13:10



Anthony B

28 April 2022 13:10


Arrange the following dialogue into a good order. ( ... ) Vika : Excuse me. Can you show me where the school book store is? ( ... ) Dodi : It opens at 8 o'clock. ( ... ) Dodi : Of course. It's over there, in front of the language laboratory. ( ... ) Vika : Ups ... It's still a quarter to seven. My class starts at seven. What time does it close? ( ... ) Vika : Thank you very much for your information. ( ... ) Dodi : It closes at two thirty. ( ... ) Vika : When does it open?



Jawaban terverifikasi



G. Nusantara

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Airlangga

06 Juni 2022 12:41

Jawaban terverifikasi

Jawaban yang tepat adalah: ( 1 ) Vika : Excuse me. Can you show me where the school book store is? ( 4 ) Dodi : It opens at 8 o'clock. ( 2 ) Dodi : Of course. It's over there, in front of the language laboratory. ( 5 ) Vika : Ups ... It's still a quarter to seven. My class starts at seven. What time does it close? ( 7 ) Vika : Thank you very much for your information. ( 6 ) Dodi : It closes at two thirty. ( 3 ) Vika : When does it open? Soal meminta untuk menyusun dialog acak menjadi sebuah dialog yang baik. Dialog tersebut: Vika : Excuse me. Can you show me where the school book store is? (Permisi. Bisakah kamu tunjukkan di mana toko buku sekolah?). Dodi : It opens at 8 o'clock (Tempatnya buka jam 8). Dodi : Of course. It's over there, in front of the language laboratory (Tentu saja. Itu di sana, di depan laboratorium bahasa). Vika : Ups ... It's still a quarter to seven. My class starts at seven. What time does it close? (Ups... Ini masih jam tujuh kurang seperempat. Kelasku dimulai jam tujuh. Jam berapa tempatnya tutup?). Vika : Thank you very much for your information (Terima kasih banyak atas informasinya). Dodi : It closes at two thirty (Tutup jam setengah tiga). Vika : When does it open? (Kapan tempatnya buka?). Urutan dialog yang baik adalah: Vika : Excuse me. Can you show me where the school book store is? (Permisi. Bisakah kamu tunjukkan di mana toko buku sekolah?). Dodi : Of course. It's over there, in front of the language laboratory (Tentu saja. Itu di sana, di depan laboratorium bahasa). Vika : When does it open? (Kapan tempatnya buka?). Dodi : It opens at 8 o'clock (Tempatnya buka jam 8). Vika : Ups ... It's still a quarter to seven. My class starts at seven. What time does it close? (Ups... Ini masih jam tujuh kurang seperempat. Kelasku dimulai jam tujuh. Jam berapa tempatnya tutup?). Dodi : It closes at two thirty (Tutup jam setengah tiga). Vika : Thank you very much for your information (Terima kasih banyak atas informasinya). Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah: ( 1 ) Vika : Excuse me. Can you show me where the school book store is? ( 4 ) Dodi : It opens at 8 o'clock. ( 2 ) Dodi : Of course. It's over there, in front of the language laboratory. ( 5 ) Vika : Ups ... It's still a quarter to seven. My class starts at seven. What time does it close? ( 7 ) Vika : Thank you very much for your information. ( 6 ) Dodi : It closes at two thirty. ( 3 ) Vika : When does it open?




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