Martha G
11 Februari 2024 10:13
Martha G
11 Februari 2024 10:13
A tribute to childhood memories: The story of memories from her life around 2019
" This is my story, They recognize me but they like me... They often...look at me I often liked other boys and other girls after I graduated in May 2019. "
" For making my life kindly... Because I was a first year high school student since I was 11 until I was a second year student before i have a career. With smiles and happiness..."
" However... Because I often see this boy suddenly get injured on his head and face... Feelings of trauma and guilt until I was shocked and I didn't understand. "
" Because of that, my family told them that he was not a brain dead, he was just injured. Or he was in a coma for 3 months. "
" The police have been investigating the accident since April. In fact, I just found something he used and I left it with him. "
" Even those became feels sad. I just feel sure that I often almost get ridiculed along with those obsessed fans... "
" Because I saw that face because that girl likes to blackmail other people on social media... "
" It's clear... I haven't had time to protect myself they thought she was a good person, they thought she was an innocent girl. Because all past actions can be forgiven. "
" They think my mom is a money-rich entrepreneur, or I pay all my dad's debts and give them money to someone else. "
" Because I was born in April 2007 because I'm the same age as the two of them... Whatever happens, how sad I am to say... "
" They like all the cover songs I've sing since 2020 that... I've been creating vlog content since April 2019 "
" Since my older brother and older sister were adopted around 2004.... Before I was born in April 2007. Until he was adopted by another boy he have a blonde hair too like my older siblings in 2004."
" After that... They often laughed at me with my behavior of not having trivial problems... And they often like to touch me. "
What is the title of the tribute written above?
A. Organ donation
B. The story of memories from her life around 2019
C. The story of his parents' teenage years
Astrophile A
11 Februari 2024 22:03
Jawaban yang tepat adalah:
B. The story of memories from her life around 2019
Jawaban diperoleh dari bagian awal teks dimana terdapat judul yaitu:
"A tribute to childhood memories: The story of memories from her life around 2019"
Jadi judulnya adalah "The story of memories from her life around 2019."
· 0.0 (0)
Salsabila Z
20 Februari 2024 03:18
Jawaban yang tepat adalah:
B. The story of memories from her life around 2019
Jawaban diperoleh dari bagian awal teks dimana terdapat judul yaitu:
"A tribute to childhood memories: The story of memories from her life around 2019"
Jadi judulnya adalah "The story of memories from her life around 2019."
· 0.0 (0)
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