Nurul A

07 Agustus 2024 10:15


Nurul A

07 Agustus 2024 10:15


Ubahlah menjadi indirect She said, "It is so hot here, I can not sleep" Patricia told me, "I visit her home" Ani says, "I had studied English" Rudi talks, "We are the champion"

Ubahlah menjadi indirect

  1. She said, "It is so hot here, I can not sleep"
  2. Patricia told me, "I visit her home"
  3. Ani says, "I had studied English"
  4. Rudi talks, "We are the champion"

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Jawaban terverifikasi


Kirana H

07 Agustus 2024 12:39

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>Berikut adalah kalimat-kalimat tersebut yang diubah menjadi kalimat tidak langsung (indirect speech):</p><p>1. She said that it was so hot there, she could not sleep.<br>2. Patricia told me that she visited her home.<br>3. Ani says that she had studied English.<br>4. Rudi says that they are the champions.</p><p>Koreksi yang tepat adalah untuk kalimat keempat. Dalam konteks perubahan kalimat langsung ke tidak langsung, kata kerja "says" lebih sesuai daripada "talks."</p>

Berikut adalah kalimat-kalimat tersebut yang diubah menjadi kalimat tidak langsung (indirect speech):

1. She said that it was so hot there, she could not sleep.
2. Patricia told me that she visited her home.
3. Ani says that she had studied English.
4. Rudi says that they are the champions.

Koreksi yang tepat adalah untuk kalimat keempat. Dalam konteks perubahan kalimat langsung ke tidak langsung, kata kerja "says" lebih sesuai daripada "talks."


Daniel N

08 Agustus 2024 08:28

Jawaban terverifikasi

<h2>Indirect Speech</h2><p>Rules to remember:</p><ul><li><strong>Tense changes:</strong> The tense of the verb usually changes when converting from direct to indirect speech.</li><li><strong>Pronouns:</strong> Pronouns may need to be changed to reflect the speaker's perspective.</li><li><strong>Time and place references:</strong> Words like "here," "now," "tomorrow," etc., might need to be changed to reflect the new time and place.</li></ul><p>Let's convert the sentences:</p><p><strong>Direct:</strong> She said, "It is so hot here, I can not sleep." <strong>Indirect:</strong> She said that it was so hot there and she could not sleep.</p><p><strong>Direct:</strong> Patricia told me, "I visit her home." <strong>Indirect:</strong> Patricia told me that she visited her home.</p><p><strong>Direct:</strong> Ani says, "I had studied English." <strong>Indirect:</strong> Ani says that she had studied English.</p><p><strong>Direct:</strong> Rudi talks, "We are the champion." <strong>Indirect:</strong> Rudi talks about them being the champions.</p><p><strong>Note:</strong> In the last sentence, there's no specific person to report to, so we use "talks about" instead of a reporting verb like "said" or "told."</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

Indirect Speech

Rules to remember:

  • Tense changes: The tense of the verb usually changes when converting from direct to indirect speech.
  • Pronouns: Pronouns may need to be changed to reflect the speaker's perspective.
  • Time and place references: Words like "here," "now," "tomorrow," etc., might need to be changed to reflect the new time and place.

Let's convert the sentences:

Direct: She said, "It is so hot here, I can not sleep." Indirect: She said that it was so hot there and she could not sleep.

Direct: Patricia told me, "I visit her home." Indirect: Patricia told me that she visited her home.

Direct: Ani says, "I had studied English." Indirect: Ani says that she had studied English.

Direct: Rudi talks, "We are the champion." Indirect: Rudi talks about them being the champions.

Note: In the last sentence, there's no specific person to report to, so we use "talks about" instead of a reporting verb like "said" or "told."


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