Real S

14 November 2024 13:42


Real S

14 November 2024 13:42


Ubahlah dalam bentuk Passive Voice

Ubahlah dalam bentuk Passive Voice


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Putu N

15 November 2024 11:20

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>Here are the sentences rewritten in passive voice:</p><ol><li>They are visited by Rudi.</li><li>The flowers are watered by Rina.&nbsp;</li><li>A wallet is found by Vita.</li><li>Some books are being bought by Jonathan.</li><li>The good painting isn't described by him.</li><li>Orange juice has just been made by Mother.</li><li>The paddy is being planted by the farmer.</li><li>The lesson has been explained too much by a teacher.</li><li>Has how to make a paper plane been learnt by a child?</li><li>An English story hasn't been translated by my sister.</li><li>Celly is embraced tightly by Dio.</li><li>The president is being guarded by the policeman.</li><li>Are many kinds of plastic produced by the factory?</li><li>Are those big trees being cut by some people?</li><li>Have the cats been fed by many children today?</li><li>Nandito is being scolded by Mr. Farhan.</li></ol>

Here are the sentences rewritten in passive voice:

  1. They are visited by Rudi.
  2. The flowers are watered by Rina. 
  3. A wallet is found by Vita.
  4. Some books are being bought by Jonathan.
  5. The good painting isn't described by him.
  6. Orange juice has just been made by Mother.
  7. The paddy is being planted by the farmer.
  8. The lesson has been explained too much by a teacher.
  9. Has how to make a paper plane been learnt by a child?
  10. An English story hasn't been translated by my sister.
  11. Celly is embraced tightly by Dio.
  12. The president is being guarded by the policeman.
  13. Are many kinds of plastic produced by the factory?
  14. Are those big trees being cut by some people?
  15. Have the cats been fed by many children today?
  16. Nandito is being scolded by Mr. Farhan.

Real S

15 November 2024 11:21

makasih ya kak....πŸ˜„


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