Siti N

17 Februari 2024 10:35



Siti N

17 Februari 2024 10:35


Tuliskan argumentative text tentang " teller bank yang hilang akibat kemajuan teknologi digital"





Annisa O

20 Februari 2024 01:10

<p>Argumentative Text: The Impact of Digital Technological Advancement on Bank Tellers</p><p>The rapid advancement of digital technology has led to the diminishing role of traditional bank tellers. While some see this as progress, it raises concerns about unemployment, reduced customer service quality, and financial exclusion.</p><p>Digital banking platforms have made in-person transactions less necessary, reducing the demand for bank tellers. This trend contributes to unemployment and underemployment, widening economic disparities.</p><p>Furthermore, automated systems lack the personalized service and human touch that bank tellers provide. This affects customer satisfaction and trust in banking institutions.</p><p>The shift to digital banking also creates barriers for those without digital access or skills, leading to financial exclusion.</p><p>In conclusion, while digital innovation offers convenience, the disappearance of bank tellers highlights broader issues of unemployment, reduced service quality, and financial exclusion. Balancing technological progress with societal needs is essential for a more inclusive future.</p><p>semoga bisa membantu&nbsp;</p>

Argumentative Text: The Impact of Digital Technological Advancement on Bank Tellers

The rapid advancement of digital technology has led to the diminishing role of traditional bank tellers. While some see this as progress, it raises concerns about unemployment, reduced customer service quality, and financial exclusion.

Digital banking platforms have made in-person transactions less necessary, reducing the demand for bank tellers. This trend contributes to unemployment and underemployment, widening economic disparities.

Furthermore, automated systems lack the personalized service and human touch that bank tellers provide. This affects customer satisfaction and trust in banking institutions.

The shift to digital banking also creates barriers for those without digital access or skills, leading to financial exclusion.

In conclusion, while digital innovation offers convenience, the disappearance of bank tellers highlights broader issues of unemployment, reduced service quality, and financial exclusion. Balancing technological progress with societal needs is essential for a more inclusive future.

semoga bisa membantu 



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